  • 學位論文


A Study on the Transformation of Existing Industrial Parks into Eco-Industrial Parks - Example of WuGu Industrial Park

指導教授 : 胡憲倫 副教授


我國各處工業區功能多元,然目前包括傳統產業以及中小企業規模有限、園區廠房閒置、職掌機關的不同以及資源錯置等現況,還需要面對廢氣、廢水、廢棄物處理等環境問題,加上當今驅使產業共生(Industrial Symbiosis, IS) 的消費族群求新求變之外,以及現行環境法規制度與利害關係人等壓力驅使下,迫使工業區必須進行生態化的改造。 緣此,本研究嘗試探討台灣既有工業區轉型成生態化工業園區(Eco- Industrial Parks, EIPs)之可能作法,除了從國內外的文獻整理各種可能的途徑外,並以五股工業區為本研究案例。從五股工業區的廠商中,整理出園區內可能的產業生態化資源鏈結,並嘗試計算其經濟與環境效益。 經深入調查園區內企業的廢棄物產生情形,發現九個可能形成資源化及生態化之鏈結,包括有廢潤滑油鏈結,廢塑膠粒料鏈結,廢油墨鏈結,廢觸媒、廢噴砂之鏈結,蝕刻液、廢酸洗液鏈結,爐渣與廢鑄砂鏈結,有機汙泥鏈結,冶煉矽鐵(粉)鏈結,以及能源與廢水資源化處理等結果。由於許多廢棄物產量的資料無法順利取得,因此本研究僅就上列最前面的四個鏈結進行環境與經濟效益的估算。估算結果顯示這四個鏈結每月約可減少處理12.26公噸的廢棄物,不算其中可能成為其他企業之原料效益之外,其在事業廢棄物處理的成本上,單月約略可節省十萬元新台幣(不包含清運成本)。而推估單月在原料採購成本概約為十二億元新台幣,亦即總計資源化經濟效益將超過十二億元新台幣。 本研究藉由文獻及五股工業區的案例研究,對於既有工業區要成為生態化工業區提出以下幾點建議:園區內成立推動小組;宣導資源化及廢棄物交換的即時資訊平台;個別廠商減少能源及資源的使用,並降低廢棄物的產生;區內引進必要之廢棄物資源化工廠;強化園區服務中心的功能,增設廢棄物及廢氣排放之專責部門,以實際掌控區內廢棄物產生及流向;園區藉個別廠房的綠化,鼓勵採用綠建築的概念;當局提供法律、政策及經濟等誘因,使能自主管理。希冀透過本研究可為國內為數眾多的各種形式之工業園區,找出一條既能兼顧環境,又能活絡經濟的永續之路。


There are lots of industrial parks in Taiwan, although their functions are multiply, they are facing lots of problems, such as limited to small-medium enterprises, oversupply of idle plants within the region, divergent authorities, misplaced resource distribution, various waste and pollution problems, and advocacy to improve their environmental performance from different stakeholders. These problems contribute to the operational inefficiencies in our traditional industrial parks, which create a necessity to transform existing industrial parks into Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs). However, very few literatures are focusing on this area so far. Thus, this study tries to investigate the feasibility and the approaches of transforming existing industrial parks into eco-industrial parks in Taiwan. In this study, an extensive literature review on industrial ecology and eco-symbiosis was conducted to summarize the approaches and pathways for traditional Industrial parks becoming eco-industrial parks. After that, the WuGu Industrial Parks in Taipei County was adopted as a case to study how existing traditional industrial parks can be transformed into eco-industrial parks. Companies in the WuGu industrial parks were carefully evaluated and possible eco-industrial clusters were formed virtually according the types of wastes of the companies. Environmental and economic benefits before and after the formation of eco-clusters were also estimated. After intensive investigation on the types of wastes generated by enterprises within the WuGu Industrial Park, it is found that at least 10 eco-clusters can be formed. There are waste lubricating oil, waste edible oil, plastic pellet waste, waste ink, spent catalyst, sandblasting, etching fluid, lotion and waste acid, waste slag and sand casting, organic sludge, and silicon iron smelting (powder) etc. Due to the lack of information on the amount of waste generation, this study only completes the environmental and economic benefits estimation for four eco-clusters. The results showed that totally 12.26 tones of waste per month can be reduced, which can save about 100,000 NTD for waste disposal (excluding labor cost). Assuming all the wastes can be recovered and becoming raw materials of companies within the respective eco-cluster, the total cost saved can be obtained up to 1.2 billion NTD per month. Finally, based on the case study of Wuhu Industrial Park, this study also concluded several suggestions for transforming an existing traditional industrial park into an eco-industrial park; there are: to form a taskforce for propelling the transformation; to publicize the information platform of the resource recovery and waste exchange; to reduce individual companies’ energy and resource usage and waste production; to introduce waste recovery plants from outside the park if necessary; to strengthen the function of administration center of the park in order to trace and control the pathway and amount of the wastes and emissions; to encourage individual companies to adopt green building concept for their factories; to provide legal, policy and economic incentives to enable companies to do self-management; to ensure information flow and capital flow are smooth. This is expected that this study can provide a new way for the existing but unsustainable industrial parks to become sustainable Eco-Industrial Parks.


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[125] 台龍電子股份有限公司網站 (http://www.ttfic.com.tw/)。
[126] 台瀛造漆工業股份有限公司 (http://69277683.aloha.com.tw/)。
[131] 仲鼎科技股份有限公司網站 (http://www.giantek.com/index_chi.htm)。
