  • 學位論文


Explore Feasibility of Portable Folding Bicycle in MRT Journey

指導教授 : 黃子坤


為了因應石油能源快速耗竭的問題,許多先進國家已採取相應政策與措施,鼓勵大眾搭乘捷運,盡可能減少私人汽車、機車的使用。但捷運無法像計程車一樣提供「及門服務」(Door-to-Door Service),因而使用各種個人載具來做為捷運的延伸代步工具,也衍生出載具停車問題。本研究假設:捷運乘客如能隨身攜帶個人輕型載具,將有助於舒緩捷運站周遭的停車擁擠,並提升搭乘捷運的意願。目前個人輕型載具於捷運系統裡攜帶情況尚未普及,本研究以近年普及率頗高的摺疊自行車為對象,探討摺疊之後的自行車於捷運環境的最佳攜行方式,包括攜帶者在攜帶時的重量負荷與收摺後的自行車(長、寬、高)對其他乘客的干擾。 經過資料分析彙整出三類攜行方式;(1)提揹方式 (2)扶推方式 (3)平推方式。分別對攜帶者進行田野實驗與問卷訪談,並調查捷運乘客受干擾之程度。同時透過人因工程與人工搬運作業分析,歸納出適當的摺疊自行車攜行方式。研究結果顯示; 1. 摺疊自行車收摺後,不論其重量差異,以平推方式攜行於捷運環境為最理想。 2. 摺疊自行車收摺後,之尺度,以瘦高形式最能減少對其他乘客的干擾。


The policies of advanced countries encourage people to take Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) for energy saving and carbon reduction. However, MRT couldn’t satisfy a door to door journey. Therefore, personal light-duty vehicles are promoted for extended MRT journey. There are a few related but embryo personal vehicles developed. This study takes folding bicycles as sample to examine the feasibility of carrying them in Taipei MRT environment. The suitable measures of folded bicycle weight and dimensions were analyzed and then, three modes of carrying bicycle were defined: including hand-shoulder carrying, hold-pushing carrying, horizontal-pushing carrying. Field experiments were carried on, followed by interviews to correspondents and MRT passengers. The results; 1. The mode of Horizontal-Pushing carrying was considered as the most acceptable mode of carrying a folded bicycle in MRT environment with no affection of bicycle weight. 2. To avoid disturbing other MRT passengers, the acceptable dimensions of the folded bicycle favor to height than other dimensions of length and width. Which means, a slim and tall folded bicycle is suggested in MRT environment.


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