  • 學位論文


The Discussion for Space-time Path of Village Elderly Leisure Activities-A Case Study of Tainan Sigang Cing-an Community Activity Center.

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


台灣近年來逐漸邁向高齡化社會,根據內政部統計處民國九十九年統計台灣高齡人口比例為10.7%,由於台灣南部地區鄉村人口外流情況較其他地區更為嚴重,高齡人口比率相對則提高為11.6%,須更進一步思考如何因應鄉村高齡化所帶來的問題,除了於社會環境、實質環境須思考應對方法,針對鄉村高齡者的生活方式及休閒活動需求應更詳細了解。 本研究以台南市西港慶安社區之高齡者為研究對象,以焦點團體共訪談十九位高齡者、GPS記錄時空路徑深入訪談六位高齡者,調查鄉村高齡者之休閒活動,研究過程發現關懷中心目前逐漸呈現器材及空間閒置狀態,且由於鄉村青壯年人口外流,高齡者獨居在家無人照顧且心靈寂寞等困境。研究成果如下: 一、 鄉村高齡者活動地點: 經由時空路徑分析得知關懷中心為鄉村高齡者之重要活動地點,另外包含:學校、宮廟、菜市場、水圳公園、自家農田等地,因此本研究建議以關懷中心為樞紐將服務及關懷外展至社區中其餘高齡者之活動地點,串聯社區中各高齡者活動地點。 二、 鄉村高齡者休閒活動參與: 鄉村高齡者依其主要參與之休閒活動類型共包含:社會服務型、運動健身型、社交型、個人活動型,至關懷中心次數及停留時間依序為:社會服務型、運動健身型、社交型高齡者、個人活動型。自由時間依序為:個人活動型(9.12小時)、運動健身型(7.68小時)、社會服務型(7.08小時)、社交型(1.92小時),與九十三年國人之自由時間5小時54分相比高出許多,顯示鄉村高齡者於退休後自由時間增加,而社交型高齡者受到家務約束使其自由時間為最少。 三、 關懷中心空間內容: 於關懷中心之空間可包括:健身保健空間、學習交流空間、世代交流空間等空間,除此之外本研究建議應針對高齡者學習需求研擬學習計畫以及舉辦保健講座、節日聚會等臨時性活動。鄉村高齡者鄰里關係密切,並社區居民及志工密切互動獲得社會支持,且提升高齡者外出參與活動之意願,鄉村高齡者由被動的接受照顧轉變為主動的提供服務與照顧,因此關懷中心之志工應扮演諮詢、提供服務及活動之角色並表現出更加主動且積極之態度。 四、 當地文化特產活化: 以「生產老化」為概念,將關懷中心為樞紐向周邊農田發展社區特色(如:胡麻產品),可使高齡者充分的利用其自由時間且可使高齡者發揮其長年累積之智慧,並且更進一步吸引社區居民及其他地方居民參與之機會,達到「老有所用」之理想。


In recent years, the first step toward aging society in Taiwan, according to the Ministry of the Interior Departments of the Tatistics Statistics Republic of ninety-nine years the elderly population was 10.7% in Taiwan, due to the outflow of the village population in southern Taiwan, the situation is more serious than city, the relative ratio of the elderly population will increase 11.6%, should further consider how to respond to problems caused by village aging, in addition to the social environment, physical environment need to consider way to deal, village elderly's lifestyle and the demand for leisure activities should be more understanding. In this study, Tainan Sigang Cing-an Communities for the village elderly study, focus group interviews with 19 village elderly, GPS recording space-time path depth interviews with 6 village elderly, to investigate of village elderly leisure activity, course of the study found that Community Activity Center is gradually became an idle state in equipment and space, and because the outflow of young people, elderly living alone at home and felling loneliness in village. The primary outcome of this study are as follows: 1. The village elderly's activity sites: Through the space-time path analysis that village elderly community activity center sites of important activities, in addition to including: schools, temples, sigang retail market, watercourse park, own farmland, etc., so the study suggests use community activity center equaled the hub concept to extended to care and service the rest of elderly activities sites in community. 2. The village elderly participate in leisure activities:The village elderly major participate in types of leisure activities include: social service type, keep-fit type, social type, individual activitie type , go to Community Activity Center frequency and residence time in order : social services type, keep-fit type, social-type, personal activities type. And Free time in order: ndividual activity type (9.12 hours), keep-fit type (7.68 hours), social service type (7.08 hours), social type (1.92 hours), more than the 2004 citizens’s free time of 5 hours 54 minutes higher, display village elderly increase free time after retirement,and social type have the least of free time bound to housekeeping. 3. The Community Activity Center space: Community Activity Center might include: health care space, learning communication space, elderly generation communication space, in addition to the research proposal should address elderly's learning needs to develop learning plans and organizing health speech, holiday parties etc. activities. Village elderly have the neighborhood relationship , and interact with community residents and volunteers closly and access to social support, than improve elderly will go out participating activities. The village elderly receive care from a passive into active to provide services and care, so Community Activity Center volunteers should play consulting, provide services and activities and show a more positive attitude. 4. Activate the local cultural and product: With the "Productive Aging " concept, the Community Activity Center for the hub to the surrounding farmland development community identities (such as: Sesame products), elderly can usefull their free time and allow played their long years of accumulate experience , and more further attract community and other area residents to participate in the opportunity to achieve the ideal of "Provide the elderly with a sense of worthiness ".


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