  • 學位論文


The Effect of Service Orientation on Integrated Model of Customer Behavioral Reaction - A Case of The Wang Group

指導教授 : 廖森貴


由於全球的經濟不景氣,使得人們對於所得的使用及分配更加謹慎,每次的消費都希望是對的或是超乎預期的。而服務業是大家日常生活中最常接觸到的產業,所以當人們希望能用同樣的價值得到更多更好的服務時,服務業在經營管理上的改革與創新已是勢在必行的趨勢。服務業的管理者應思考如何能讓顧客更願意消費,讓企業不會被不景氣打倒,反而有風雨生信心的鬥志,讓企業永續經營。而服務業的員工是否具有服務導向的行為,將成為顧客選擇的重要關鍵。因為一個好的服務會連鎖的影響顧客在該店的體驗、滿意和信任程度,進而影響顧客是否會再次消費、給予建議或推薦他人的一些行為產生。 因此本篇研究透過文獻彙整與專家學者的建議,建立顧客面員工服務導向行為之量表,以餐飲服務業龍頭-王品集團旗下八家品牌餐廳為研究樣本,共發出520份問卷,有效問卷508份,並利用線性結構方程式模型LISREL8.72做為分析工具,試圖驗證員工服務導向行為,透過服務體驗和關係品質,與顧客自發行為間的關係。給予現今企業的管理者做為一個參考,了解員工服務導向行為的重要性與趨勢。 而本研究的研究結果,假設一服務導向與服務體驗間存在著正向關係 (路徑係數=0.85,p<.01),與Armstrong et al. Grove et al.(1998)認為服務人員影響顧客服務體驗結果相符,因此假設一獲得支持。假設二服務體驗與關係品質間存在著正向關係 (路徑係數=0.43,p<.01),與Bolton and Drew(1991)所認為顧客滿意度為顧客經驗所產生之情感性因素結果相符,因此假設二獲得支持。假設三服務導向與關係品質間存在著正向關係 (路徑係數=0.54,p<.01),與Schneider et al.(1980)的研究發現,服務導向和關係品質有顯著的關係結果相符,因此假設三獲得支持。假設四關係品質與顧客自發行為間存在正向關係 (路徑係數=0.85,p<.01),與Taylor and Baker(1994)指關係品質與顧客滿意度對於顧客行為有顯著的正向影響之結果相符,因此假設四獲得支持。以上四個假設經過分析驗證和專家學者理論支持,證實本研究結果成立,員工的服務導向行為會透過服務體驗影響關係品質,進而影響顧客自發行為,提供現今企業一個重要經營指標。


Due to the fact that global economy is in a slump, causing people to use and assign their income more discreetly, and to hope their each expense is right or ultra anticipated. Service industry is the industry which the most be contacted during our daily life. When people expect to get more and better services with the same money spent, the innovation of administration and operation for the industry is a necessary tendency. Service industry superintendent should ponder on how to increase consumers’ expenses, and the enterprise can operate sustainably. Whether the employee in the service industry has behavior of service orientation would become an important key in consumer’s decision. A good service will has multiple influences on consumer experience, on degree of satisfaction and on belief in the shop, then, the effects would determine whether consumers will come again, give the suggestions, and give recommendations to other people. This research constructed a scale of consumer-interfacing service orientation behavior through the literature collection and experts’ suggestions, used eight brand-restaurants from The Wang Group — the best group in the dining service industry as research samples. The 508 ones of total 520 questionnaires are effective and use linear structure equation model, LISREL 8.72, as analytic tool, in attempting to verify the relationship between employee service orientation behavior and the service experience, quality of relationship, and consumer spontaneous behavior. This research can be used as a reference for today’s emprise superintendent to know the importance and the tendency of employee service orientation behavior.


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