  • 學位論文

促銷活動、品牌形象、顧客滿意度、再購意願之研究- 開架式化妝品實證

A Study on Promotion Type、Brand Image、Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention – An Empirical Investigation of Self-selective Cosmetics Products

指導教授 : 胡同來


近年來社會經濟發展趨於衰退,原本深受國人喜愛的歐系彩妝品牌,且在國內市場擁有廣大的市占率,由於歐元持續升值,使得保養品與化妝產品隨之調漲,加上物價上揚,消費者購買行為逐漸趨於保守,消費者越來越精打細算,原先非專櫃品牌不用的人,開始認同開架產品的品質與價格。依據台灣產經研究院指出2008年1~9月化妝品產業銷售值較2007年同期衰退2.97%,主要因素在於中間消費客層流失,消費者多於折扣優惠促銷時才上門消費,然而平日奢華精品級品牌則完全不受景氣好壞影響,M型化消費型態,促使中間消費者全走進開架式化妝品市場 本研究將經由相關文獻探討,整合過去學者著作及相關研究,探討企業運用促銷活動與品牌形象是否能做到顧客滿意,增進品牌與顧客的情感性連結,讓顧客不僅成為品牌的忠誠顧客,還要成為品牌的忠實擁戴者。因此將台北市都會區18~38歲的女性開架式化妝品產業之消費者作為研究對象,透過問卷調查法,並以LISREL線性結構模式探討該產業中促銷活動、品牌形象、顧客滿意度與再購意願之關連性。 本研究以開架式化妝品產業為實證對象,探討各變數之關係,研究發現:促銷活動與品牌形象;品牌形象與顧客滿意度;顧客滿意度與再購意願均有正向影響;促銷活動與顧客滿意度則不顯著。以此發現可供研擬行銷策略提供業界做為參考,並期望能提供開架式化妝品業者作為擬定行銷策略的參考依據。


Since economic crisis broken out last year, many people’s attitude toward expenditure became more and more conservative. It’s because the euro appreciate recently cause price of raw material gain. Some people change their consumer habit. They tend to buy self-selective cosmetic products or discounts products. The cosmetic sales in 2008 decrease 2.97% compare to 2007. However, the Msociety causes customers purchasing style toward two different ways. This research will be conducted via literature review, integrate relevant research and past scholar records, to explore whether business usage of Promotion Type and Brand Image can increase consumer satisfaction, improve emotion connection of brand and customers or not. Therefore, subjects of this research will be focused on female aged from 18-38 who live in Taipei. Using questioner as research methodology, attend with LISREL linear structural model to examine concept of Promotion Type、Brand Image、Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention. Connecting different concepts and scrutinizing causal relation, reflecting on Repurchase Intention to create genuine value and essential profit. The most significant findings are: 1. There is a significant, positive correlation between Promotion Type and Brand Image. 2. There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction. 3. There isn’t a significant, Promotion Type among Customer Satisfaction. 4. There is a significant, positive correlation among Customer Satisfaction, and Repurchase Intention. Contributions of the findings are to provide business marketing strategy and managing cosmetic brands. Anticipate that this research can provide businesses in Self-selective Cosmetics Products industries a reference of marketing strategy.


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