  • 學位論文


Planing and Management of Zero Carbon Emission for agricultural society – A case study on Q town of Jiayi County,Taiwan.

指導教授 : 章裕民


近年來溫室效應與氣候變遷等議題層出不窮,包含二氧化碳在內等六項溫室氣體,因能源及資源的開發與消耗,造成大量溫室氣體排放,故各地方政府應掌握當地正確之各部門排放量,並針對各部門排放量與比例,給予各排放部門最佳管制措施。本研究以嘉義縣Q鄉鎮為案例,藉由相關資料蒐集,分析當地產業分布與二氧化碳排放源,推估2005-2009年三個排放部門及一個吸收部門的排放量及吸收量,並考量各部門之排放量與排放比例,選定四種減量政策來進行減量推估。 研究結果顯示,因地理位置擁有較多林地面積,故土地利用與森林部門之二氧化碳吸存量已可涵容農業部門與廢棄物部門之二氧化碳排放量;惟該鄉鎮家庭部門之溫室氣體排放為主,其排放來自於交通運輸與電力使用。其2007∼2009年該鄉鎮溫室氣體淨排放量平均約為84,532公噸/年,人均值則約為2.17百萬公噸/年。藉由分析結果得知Q鄉鎮溫室氣體的排放特性、減量空間及民眾配合度,選定四項減量措施作為減量行動,以2009年為基準年,推估2040年實施各措施之減量成效,結果顯示2040年四項措施分別減量成效為十大無悔措施27,682噸,減量比例為19%;發展再生能源-太陽能屋頂12,321噸,減量比例為8%、推動大眾植樹措施1,240噸,減量比例為1%,造林運動103,568噸,減量比例為7%,於2040年可達成零排放之目標。


In recent years, topics of the greenhouse effect and climate change, etc. have emerged endlessly. Six greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide are emitted significantly due to the exploitation and consumption of energy and resource, therefore, governments should master the exact emissions of various sectors and propose optimal control measures for emission sectors based on their emission volume and proportions. This research takes township Q of Chiayi County as an example, through collecting related materials, to analyze the distribution of local industries and emission sources of carbon dioxide and estimate the emissions and absorptions of three emissions sectors and an absorption sector from year 2005 to year 2009, at the same time, it considers the emission volume and proportion of each sector to conduct emission reduction estimation based on four selected policies of emission reduction. The result shows that, the absorptions of land utilization sector and forestry sector can offset carbon dioxide emissions of agricultural sector and sector for waste controlling due to a large forest area in this township. The emission of greenhouse gas is mainly from families sector, which results from transportation and electricity consumption. From 2007 to 2009, the average net emission of greenhouse gas in this township is about 84,532 tons / year, approximately 2.17 million tons / year of per capita. The greenhouse gas emission characteristics, reduction space and public cooperation degree can be known from the analysis results. It selects four emission reduction measures as activities of emission reduction and takes 2009 as the base year to estimate the emission reduction achievements of each implemented measure in 2040. The result shows the emission reduction achievement in 2040 are respectively, 27,682 tons from ten non-regret measures, reducing by 19%, 12,321 tons from developing renewable energy-solar roof , reducing by 8%, 1,240 tons from promoting public to plant trees, reducing by 1% and 103,568 tons from afforestation campaign, reducing by 7%, which can achieve the goal of zero emission by 2040.


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