  • 學位論文


A Study of Extention Dispute in Public Construction

指導教授 : 張寬勇 蔡仁惠


公共工程之執行為公共建設重要主體之一,因此公共工程執行成效甚為重要,且公共工程之量體甚為巨大,對此龐大之公共工程量體,其執行藉由政府採購法規範,但因具複雜度極高之特性,履約爭議事件經常發生,因而影響公共工程之進度及品質,甚而影響人民生活,並引發民怨,因此履約爭議事件處理已是執行公共工程重要課題。而履約爭議事件中以展延工期為發生次數最多之爭議事件之一,因此可知,為公共工程順利推動,展延工期爭議事件處理為一重要之研究課題。 本研究範圍在於公共工程履約過程展延工期之爭議事件處理,研究按工期計算方式、展延工期計算方式、展延工期發生因素、責任之歸屬、逾期之處罰、協調不成之處理機制、衍生之費用,研究方法以進行文獻回顧瞭解定義及探討現有規定、歸納分析關鍵問題、導入案例、研擬對策、彙整結論及建議,俾降低該項爭議事件之發生,或於發生爭議事件後能迅速有效完成合乎公共利益及廠商權益之處理,本研究建議於發生展延工期爭議事件情形時,由機關與承包商組成工期調解小組,展延工期爭議事件如能以組成之調解小組進行有效調解,期對公共工程之執行,能發生良性助益,盼對國家經濟之提振,能有積極之成效,對人民福祉社會福利,皆能產生提昇效果。


公共工程 展延工期 爭議


The implementation of public works subject is one of the important subjects in public works. Therefore, the effectiveness of public works implementation is very important. The amount of public works is big. This huge amount of public works is regulated by the Government Procurement Act. Due to the characteristics of the public works complexity, the contract dispution is affecting the progress and quality of public works, and affecting people's living, and antagonizing the people. Handling the implementation of contract dispute of public works is an important issue. The controversial incident to the extension period for the plblic works contract is one of the big issues. For the successful promotion of public works, and extending the duration of controversy is an important research subject. The scope of this study is the process of extension period and the performance of public works studying duration of the works,calculation of the extension period, the factors affecting the extension period, responsibility attribution, late penalties, negotiations of the processing system, deriving from costs, methods for literature review of existing provisions about the definition data analysis key issues and the important case to develop countermeasures, compiling data findings and recommendations, to reduce the occurrence of the controversy, dispution after the incident,We can quickly and effectively complete in line with public interests and the interest of the processing firms. From this study, We suggest that when time extension and Dispute occurs. From both side (govermeat authorify and contract manufacture) recommend a team, the team main job is to make a solution. This settle resolution can satisty the both side. From this result can help the offectivenss of public work implementation, good for the execution of the public work,and wellfoare for people and country.


Public construction Time extension Dispute


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