  • 學位論文


The study on key successful factors for adopt the TPS to Manufacturing Industries

指導教授 : 林百福


台灣由於國際化及貿易自由化的衝擊,再加上2010年與世界第二大經濟體中國簽訂了「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」後,使得台灣的企業面臨內外環境嚴格的競爭挑戰。隨著台灣產業的升級,勞動力取得困難,成本增加等因素,製造業紛紛移轉到大陸以及東南亞勞力低廉的國家,但隨著這些海外國家經濟的成長,在長期來說終將是會面臨相同的問題而逐漸失去競爭力。 豐田生產方式主要以及時化及自働化兩大主軸所發展出來的合理化生產方式,以消除企業內製造流程一切的浪費和進行流程改善為核心的活動來展開系統化導入。透過豐田生產方式可以提高生產力、降低成本、提高作業效率、提昇品質及建構少量多樣化的製造模式,可以提高公司獲利及企業競爭優勢,雖然豐田生產方式被提出已超過三十餘年的時間,但在現今生產製造中,豐田生產方式的概念仍是相當的重要且被廣泛應用。 在台灣有多數的製造業欲導入豐田生產方式,也有導入後却無法達成預期的效果,甚至比往前更糟。本文主要是將以往導入豐田生產方式成功之文獻與個案公司實施現況做一歸納比較,經由本文探討結果發現,成功導入豐田式生產方式的主要三項關鍵因素分別為,標準化的實施、企業組織與文化及看板系統的實施(目視化管理),此外也必須與其他實施的項目相輔相成,才能使豐田式生產方式產生最大的功效。


Due to the impacts of internationalization and trade liberalization on Taiwan plus the “Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)” signed in 2010 with the People’s Republic of China, the world’s second-largest economy, enterprises in Taiwan face rigorously competitive challenges in both internal and external environments. As a result of factors such as the industry upgrade, the difficulty in finding labor force, and the cost increase in Taiwan, the manufacturing industry has gradually migrated to countries such as Mainland China and Southeast Asia that offered cheaper labor. However, along with the economic growth in these foreign countries, Taiwan will eventually face the same problems and lose its competitive edge by degrees in the long run. Toyota Production System (TPS) is the rational production method mainly developed from two core principles, Just in Time (JIT) and Jidoka, to eliminate all the manufacturing process waste in every business and to launch activities focusing on process improvement, so as to systematically introduce them into business practices. Through the Toyota Production System, businesses are capable of increasing productivity, reducing costs, improving operational efficiency, enhancing quality, and constructing the high-mix low-volume manufacturing model in order to increase their profits and competitive advantages. Although the Toyota Production System has been proposed for more than thirty years, it remains such an important concept that it is still widely applied in today’s manufacturing production. Many enterprises of the manufacturing industry in Taiwan would like to introduce the Toyota production System. However, after the introduction, there are also cases that failed to achieve the desired effect, or even worse than before. This article mainly concludes and compares the previous literature and successful cases introducing the Toyota Production System and their implementation nowadays. The results examined in the study found that the three key factors for successfully introducing the Toyota Production System are implementation of standardization, organization structure and culture, and implementation of Kanban system (visual management).In addition, the Toyota Production System generates the greatest effect only with the assistance of other complementary implementations.


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