  • 學位論文


The relationship with acrylic surface treatment and the anchorage of UV curing ink

指導教授 : 芮祥鵬


本研究以壓克力單體 BA (n-butyl acrylate)、i-BMA (isobutyl methacrylate)、AA (acrylic acid)、HEMA (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) 為主單體,以 BPO (benzoyl peroxide) 為起始劑,採溶劑型自由基聚合法合成壓克力系無規共聚物,用於改善 OPP (oriental polypropylene) 薄膜印刷適性。 將壓克力高分子塗佈於 OPP 膜,經 UV 印刷後以 3M #600 與 Nitton #31B 檢測油墨附著力,由表面張力儀量測塗膜表面的極性與非極性分佈,得到油墨附著性與塗層極性比例有關聯,但影響油墨附著力主要為塗層表面的黏著力與硬度,由 DSC 量測壓克力高分子塗層的 Tg 點,得到高 Tg 點的壓克力薄膜其黏著力較低、塗層越硬、與測試膠帶的吸引力較小越不易由 OPP 薄膜層脫落。 利用合成的共聚物做為 OPP膜的表面處理劑,經 UV 印刷後依 ISO規範進行百格測試,油墨附著力最好的塗層可達 ISO等級:1 等同ASTM 等級: 4B 。


We had successfully synthesized acrylic random copolymer of poly (n-butyl acrylate-co-isobutyl methacrylate-co-acrylic acid-co- 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) via solvent based free radical polymerization for improving the printability of OPP (oriental polypropylene) film. After coating the acrylic polymer on OPP film and printing with UV curing ink, we test the printing anchorage by pressure sensitive tape of 3M # 600 and Nitton # 31B. By the surface energy test, we can determine that the printability was associated with the polarity ratio, but the impact of the anchorage is mainly dominated by the adhesion and hardness of the coating surface. From the measurement of Tg point, the harder the coating and the less attractive of the polymer, the ink and the polymer has better anchorage to OPP film. The synthetic copolymers are used as an OPP surface treatment agent and printed with UV curing ink, then tested by Cross-Cut Method according to ISO specifications. We have gotten the best printing anchorage up to ISO Grade: 1. (Equivalent to ASTM Grade: 4B.)


Polyacrylate UV Ink Surface Treatment


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