  • 學位論文


The development of layer image capturing and modeling system for 3D solid parts

指導教授 : 汪家昌


本研究的主要目的是開發一套"3D實體之積層影像模型建立系統",希望藉由層切削配合影像處理的技術,進行實體斷面照片取得及重組,最終來達成物件內、外部構造之立體影像重建的需求。目前工業界逆向工程中[1],要取得物件3D影像數據,較普遍的方式是採用光學的方式對物件進行360°的環狀掃瞄後取得物件的影像數據,但此種掃瞄方式受限於光學特性,所以工件造型不能太複雜,且僅能獲得物件表面的影像,無法獲得工件內部結構的影像;而另一種方式是採用超音波、X光或核磁共振[2]…等具有穿透性的方式對物件進行掃瞄,此種方式雖可獲得內部影像,但一般來說設備成本非常高,且所獲得的影像精度也較差,一般較常使用在臨床醫學的診斷上。而上述的兩種方法各有其限制無法突破,故本研究就以此為出發點,希望能發展出一台能同時將物件外、內部結構影像重建且具備成本低廉可大量生產、精度高的逆向建模系統。 透過自行開發的2軸向層切削加工機,搭配影像擷取設備、CNC人機介面整合、開發專用影像處理程式…等努力,最終以積層影像成功完成物件的逆向實體3D模型建模,不僅證明了本研究方向的可行性,同時也完成一台系統原型機,作為日後工業量產化的改善參考依據。


The purpose of this research is to develop a 3D model creating system with the material layer and the image processing technology. We intend to create the detailed 3D model and 3D image by slicing the real part and then capture the image of every slice, of which technology is called as Reverse Engineering. In recent industry of Reverse Engineering, there are some ways to put it through. Generally they catch these image data by the optical technology, which is scanning the real part in 360 Deg. But there is a disadvantage in this way, regarding the limitation of the Optics. So the shape of part should be simple, and the optical technology can only capture the image of part’s surface. Others are to apply to the X-ray, Ultrasonic examination and Nuclear Magnetic resonance etc. which are able to see the inside of part by its penetrating ability, but these kinds of way get some shortcomings, like the high cost equipment and unclear image, applied to the medical science generally. Above ways have their restrictions to build the clear images inside and outside with low cost. Nowadays, we’re struggling to fix these issues and develop a high accurate 3D Rapid Prototype Machine with running Mass Production capability. We finally and successfully create the 3d sample by ourselves with this own 2-Axis layer slicing tool machine, composed of capture equipment, the integration of CNC interface and customized photographic technology program etc. we have already proved that this research is a workable solution, also finished a prototype machine with whole system function as the criteria of industry MP in coming days.


[4]Bushong, Computed Tomography, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000, pp.2-18.
[5]Edelman ROBERT R. Hesselink, Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging E-dition, Charlotte,NC: Baker & Tayl, 2006, pp.6-27.


