  • 學位論文


A Study on the Indoor Air Quality for Interior Building Materials and Construction System

指導教授 : 邵文政


台灣的室內裝修行為偏向高度現場施作,且有過度裝修之情形,裝修人員經常需暴露於高風險的作業環境中,而造成室內裝修階段空氣品質污染來源眾多,本研究主要著眼於裝修工法對室內空氣品質之影響,而非針對單一建材逸散,以我國室內裝修業常用之裝修形態為測試對象,針對牆面與地板工程,使用「半實場直讀量測試驗系統」,進行各種裝修工法之搭配測試,探討裝修過程中建材甲醛與TVOC逸散行為,並進行裝修人員甲醛健康風險評估,再與實場空間量測結果進行驗證比對,確立工法效益。本研究內容可整理歸納以下結論: 一、「半實場直讀量測試驗系統」,與試驗程序之建立 本研究使用臺北科技大學設計館三樓玻璃教室空間,模擬ASTM D6670-01規範之全尺寸建材逸散測試系統足尺環控箱作為「半實場試驗空間」,後端聯結直讀式儀器進行檢測分析,其量測標準試驗程序為:試驗建材採樣、試驗條件設定、試驗系統品質控制、試驗空間空白測試、建材置入試驗空間、進行不同工法裝修施工、揮發性有機化合物質量測、數據輸出分析。 二、使用各尺度直讀式量測系統進行裝修工法逸散模擬試驗比對結果 小尺寸系統具推估全尺寸系統量測結果之能力,在控制其他試驗變因狀況下,可以小尺寸系統推估全尺寸系統量測結果。而小尺寸、全尺寸直讀系統皆為實驗室環控箱系統,其系統穩定、精密性均較「半實場試驗系統」高,若欲使兩者間可互相推估,可針對「半實場試驗系統」之施工行為、負荷率等變因進行控制,試驗系統部份,可對試驗環境溫濕度、換氣率,進行改善,如溫濕度控制可挑選夜間溫度較穩定之時段進行試驗,或於日照面、窗等受溫度影響較大之部位加裝保麗龍、隔熱紙等保溫裝置。 三、半實場試驗系統系統具推估實際裝修現場工法逸散情形之能力 以半實場試驗空間比較各組裝修工法逸散狀況符合實際裝修結果,但欲以半實場試驗空間量測結果推估實際施工濃度,則需另進行半實場試驗空間溫濕度、負荷率、換氣率等試驗變因控制。 四、以健康效益觀點與施作可行性,提出具體低逸散裝修工法 本研究基於維護作業場所良好空氣品質保障人體健康觀點,提出各種裝修形態之低逸散裝修工法,但在業界實際應用上仍有諸多受限,如裝修人員施作習慣、材料工資成本平衡問題,因此建議除盡量選擇低逸散裝修工法外,也應搭配健康綠建材及保持裝修現場良好通風換氣,以確保室內環境健康與安全。 各種裝修形態中之低逸散裝修工法使用建議: 1.木作塗裝裝修,建議以廠製工法施作。 2.塗料裝修,建議以滾塗工法施作。 3.壁紙裝修,建議以自黏式工法施作。 4.塑膠地磚裝修,建議以自黏式工法施作。 五、不同裝修工法健康效益分析 經甲醛致癌性風險計算結果發現,各組甲醛逸散濃度皆超出致癌基準(百萬分之一),顯示室內裝修人員常暴露於致癌風險極高之作業環境,其中木作塗裝工法致癌風險最低之廠製工法-塗裝板,與風險最高之現場施作工法相差近10倍之多;塗料裝修工法致癌風險最低之滾塗工法,與風險最高之刷塗工法相差近2倍之多;壁紙裝修工法致癌風險最低之自黏式工法,與風險最高之濕式黏著工法相差近4倍之多;塑膠地磚裝修工法致癌風險最低之自黏式工法,與風險最高之滾塗黏著工法相差近2倍之多。


The interior decoration behavior in Taiwan is preferred to highly constructional on the reality space, and have excessively situation in the interior decoration. The people of the interior decorative working usually have to expose high risk in work environmental. And the decoration process that make many air pollution sources. This study focuses on the effect of building construction system for indoor air quality, not just emission from one building material. The measurable objects are general building construction system in Taiwan, for working to floor and wall. Using “half- reality space and use direct instrument test system” and matching of test each kind of building constructions. To understand the decorations process about the emission of TVOC and HCHO from building materials. And to evaluate the Formaldehyde health risk assessment for interior decorative works. Finally, the data are comparing with measuring the reality space, and establish the building construction benefit. The study has several conclusions in the following concepts: 1.To establish the process” half- reality space and use direct instrument test system”. This study uses the National Taipei University of Technology’s glass classroom space that is in design building’s three floor. That the “half-reality space” is referring to ASTM D6670-01, the system can simulate the emission of building materials in the full scale chamber, and behind the chamber, the analyzing is using direct instrument. The measurement process are : sample to testing building materials、Supposes the conditions of system、testing to blank of analyzing space、putting the building materials to the analyzing space、using the different building construction、measure of Volatile Organic Compounds、output the data. 2.Using the different of direct instruments to simulate the building constructional emission and compare with the full scale chamber. The ability of small-scale chamber to simulate full-scale chamber and controlling others testing factor that the result of small-scale camber can simulate to the full-scale camber. Both the small-scale and full-scale camber are the system of laboratory environmental, that the stable and precise are higher than “half- reality space and use direct instrument test system”. If want to simulate the two systems by each other, that can change the half- reality space and use direct instrument test system’s variable, like behavior in working, loading factor. The system of testing, that can improve by changing the environmental humidity、air-change rate. For example, controlling temperature and humidity can choice the stable time like night, or in sunlight、window…etc that effect for temperature can using the materials for heat insulation. 3.Using” half- reality space and use direct instrument test system” to simulate the condition of decoration in reality space. Using the half- reality space to compare the condition of emission for each construction systems and have conformed to reality space. But if wants by using half-reality space to simulate the concentration of working in reality space that need to control the variable, like temperature、humidity、loading factor and air change per hour(ACH)…etc in half- reality space. 4.According to the benefit of health and ability to work, brought up the actual low emission construction system. In this study, in order to have a good air quality to protect human health in the work place, that we brought up the different of low emissive constriction systems. But it still has many limits in business field. For example: the behavior for works、the question for materials’ benefits. Therefore, to suggest not only chooses low emissive construction systems but also match the health green building materials and maintain the good ventilation for air change in decorative space, to make sure the indoor environment health and safety. The study has several low emissive construction systems of suggests in the following concepts (1)The carpentry painting decoration, suggested that executes by the construction system of factory. (2)The coating decoration, suggested that executes by the construction system of rolls working. (3)The wall-paper decoration, suggested that executes by the construction system of self-stickled. (4)The PVC floor decoration, suggested that executes by the construction system of self-stickled. 5.Analysis health benefit to the different construction systems. According to the risk for Formaldehyde, the emissive concentrations for each group of formaldehyde are all over the standard of carcinogenic risk (1/1000000).That means the interior decorative works are often expose high carcinogenic risk in working environment. And the carcinogenicity risks of carpentry painting workers in factory and construction system of working in reality space are differ nearly 10 times of many;And the carcinogenicity risks of the construction system of rolls working and construction system of painting decoration are differ nearly 2 times of many;And the carcinogenicity risks of the construction system of wall-paper decoration, the lowest risk for construction system of self-stickled and the highest risk for construction system of Wet-stickled are differ nearly 4 times of many;And the carcinogenicity risks of the construction system of the PVC floor decoration, the lowest risk for construction system of self-stickled and the highest risk for construction system of rolls working are differ nearly 2 times of many.


[3]ASTM D6670-1. Standerd Practice for Full-Scale Chamber Determina tion of Volatile Organic Emissions form Indoor Materials/Product.,2001。
[4]ASTM D5116-97. 1997. Standard Guide for Small-Scale Environmental Chamber Determinations of Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/Products.
[13]U.S.EPA-IAQ Building Education and Assessment Model,2008。


李金旺(2014)。都會區中小型教會室內空氣品質之研究-以長老教會七星中會公寓型 教會為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2014.00365
