  • 學位論文


Natural Purification of Constructed Wetland in the Urban Campus

指導教授 : 黃志弘


在都市地區,校園是重要的綠地資源之一,具有調節環境生態與增進人體健康方面的機能,爰此,本研究擬以都市校園之人工濕地為對象,檢視其對都市污水之水質淨化功效為何,並以生化需氧量為處理對象,利用校園人工濕地進行實場實驗,引生活污水注入濕地,以處理水中的含碳有機物質。 由於有機物質的削減主要可分為生物性及物理性機制,其中物理性機制係指是過濾、沉澱及吸附作用,有助於生物性機制的進行,其貢獻約佔50%至70%以上;本研究除證實人工濕地利用自然淨化處理生活污水時,主要影響因子為溫度及污水注入量,同時計算得反應速率常數k值平均為2.238,遠高於高緯度之國家。 本研究同時發展一BOD處理能力之提升裝置,可應用於於污水或各種放流水之處理,期能利用物理作用促進化學反應之進行,裝置動力採用再生能源,故對於環境及生態並不造成負面影響,可謂符合生態需求之水質自然淨化提升裝置。


In urban areas, the campus is one of the most important green resources with the function adjusting the environmental quality. This research focuses on the constructed wetlands in the urban campus and evaluates their effect on sewage treatment. We recharge the septic sewage into the natural purification system to treat biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). This research proves the main factors in BOD removal are the temperature and influent loading. The reaction in Taiwan is much more obvious because of the hot and humid summer. At the same time, we find the aquatic plants contribute very little in BOD treatment. Therefore, this research develops a patent of water quality improvement. This facility could be used in rivers, streams, lake, ponds, and tanks. It uses recyclable energy and impact nothing in the environment.


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