  • 期刊


The Study of Efficiency in Constructed Wetland for Campus Wastewater Treatment


校園污水已列為事業廢水之一,必須經過處理,達到放流水標準橫始得排放,以免造成土壤污染(Soil pollution)及地下水污染(Ground water pollution)。由於我國仍有廣大的舊有學校,尚以分散型化糞池或複合式污水處理槽來處理生活污水,其淨化污水能力大多不符環保法規。教育部在2000年推行「綠色學校」及「永續校園」計畫,其中許多學校提出污水回收再利用計畫,以污水作為生態水池、植栽澆灌、基地保水、補注地下水等水源之構想,殊不知在水質未達法令標準前,任意處置排放於水體或土壤,恐將危害我們的生活環境與居民健康。有鑑於此,本研究建造人工濕地系統作為污水二級處理淨化設施,並全程進行水質監測實驗。水質檢測結果顯示,有機汙染物去除效能在生化需氧量(BOD5)為80.8 %、化學需氧量(COD)為65.5 %、總懸浮固體(TSS)為76.0%、氨氮(NH4-N) 為66.5 %、總磷(TP)為61.8 %。在大腸桿菌群(Total coliform)方面,去除效率為96.9 %、糞便型大腸桿菌(Fecal coliform)則趨近為100%。放流水質均能符合我國「放流水標準」、「丙級地面水體標準」及「灌溉用水水質標準」,讓校園污水水質大幅提升,增加污水回收再利用之可行性。


The campus sewage has already been classified as one of the undertaking wastewater, and it can not be discharged unless it meets the standards to avoid soil pollution and groundwater pollution. Most of the old schools in Taiwan deal with the sewage with the traditional septic tanks, but the quality of the treated water is not reliable. The Ministry of Education launched ”Sustainable School Project” and ”Eco-Campus Project” in 2000. A lot of schools proposed the reuse plan of the sewages to be reused in ecological pond, the soil water content, and impose to plant. The incompletely treated wastewater flowing into the city rainwater sewer will be a great threat to the public health and our environment. As a result, a constructed wetland (CW) is built as secondary treatment facility for treating sanitary sewage in campus. This research focuses on the removal efficiency of constructed wetlands. The removal efficiencies of constituents from wastewater were 80.8% for BOD5, 65.5% for COD, 76.0% for TSS, 66.5% for NH4-N, 61.8% for TP, 96.9% for the total coliform and 100.0% for the fecal coliform. The quality of the discharged water from CW usually meets the requirements of ”The Discharge Standard”, ”The Third Underground Water Standard”, and ”The Standard of Irrigated Water”. Wastewater treated by constructed wetland in campus not only can be purified and reused, but also the treated effluent can be utilized in various purposes.


