  • 學位論文


Research on Water Treatment Type Constructed Wetlands to Analyze Changes in the Ecological Environment

指導教授 : 李鴻源


水質處理型人工濕地 (Water Treatment Type Constructed Wetlands, WT-CWs) 是以處理廢水為目標的人工濕地,其設計原理是藉由生態工法來建構能模仿天然濕地功能之濕地。雖然自然濕地已有量化指標來評估其況狀,不過適用於CWs的各種評量指標還未完整地建立,特別是水質處理型目前還未有同時考慮水力效率與生態豐富度之綜合性指標來描述其健康程度,因此本研究擬通過自然濕地常用的濕地狀況指數(Index of Wetland Condition, IWC)來評估WT-CWs健康程度,藉此提高管理濕地系統之效能。 本研究以鹿角溪人工濕地為例,透過濕地的鳥類數量逐年遞減,同時由SRH-2D數值模式模擬濕地各處理單元之面積和水深,計算模擬結果的水力停留時間,對比原設計的水力停留時間來初步判定濕地的功能處於退化的狀況。本研究收集民國103~105年的資料來計算IWC的27項次指標,並依據IWC各次指標的評分原則進行27項次指標之評分,整合次指標分數後得到鹿角溪人工濕地之IWC綜合評量分數,結果顯示IWC並無法反映出鹿角溪人工濕地的健康狀況。同時對IWC進行敏感度分析,指出其中幾個較敏感的次指標,結果顯示鳥類多樣性及鳥類豐富度在IWC中並不是最敏感的指標之一,然而鳥類應是評價濕地中非常重要的指標物種。因此本研究通過權重及改變評分區間等方式來對IWC進行修改,修改後IWC(MIWC)顯示較能反映鹿角溪人工濕地的健康狀況。對MIWC進行敏感度分析,結果顯示鳥類多樣性的敏感度大為提升。同時將MIWC套用在濕地健康狀況穩定的關渡自然公園水磨坑溪人工濕地,顯示水磨坑溪是健康狀況穩定的濕地。 本研究指出IWC的指標考量面向很廣且通用性很廣泛,經過適當修改便可用於WT-CWs之評估,可據此量化指標針對濕地進行管理與復育。本研究提出的MIWC將濱水帶植生多樣性和鳥類多樣性兩個濕地指標提升其敏感度,藉由研究案例顯示其可以更準確描述WT-CWs的健康程度。


The water treatment type constructed wetlands (WT-CWs) are the artificial wetland system mainly constructed for wastewater treatment. Its design principle is to construct a wetland that mimics the function of natural wetlands by ecological methods. The management and restoration of the existing CWs are based on the experience. The quantitative evaluation of health conditions for WT-CWs, however, have not yet been fully established. The comprehensive indicators simultaneously considering the hydraulic efficiency and ecological richness to describe the health levels of WT-CWs have not developed yet. In this study we conducted the Index of Wetland Condition (IWC), which is commonly used to assess the health condition of natural wetlands, to evaluate the conditions of WT-CWs and improve the effectiveness of the management. The study region was Lujau Creek Constructed Wetland in New Taipei City, where the wetland condition was claimed necessary for restoring. We conducted SRH-2D to simulate the water area and water depth and analyzed the hydraulic retention time of it. Comparison between the original and the current conditions of the hydraulic retention time of each treatment unit it demonstrated that the treatment function of this wetland is degraded. Moreover, the IWC with 27 sub-indicators was evaluated with data measured from 2014 to 2016. The results show that the IWC does not reflect the health status of the Lujau Creek Constructed Wetland. The sensitivity analysis of IWC was also conducted. According to these results, bird diversity and bird abundance were not the most sensitive indicators, even though they should be important indicator in wetland conditions. This study tried to modify the IWC soring system with the method to change the weight and lengend range. The modified IWC (MIWC) showed that it can correctly reflect the health status of the Lujau Creek Constructed Wetland. The sensitivity analysis of MIWC, on the other hand, showed that the indication of the bird diversity was improved. MIWC again was applied to the Shuimokeng Stream Constructed Wetland in the Guandu Nature Park, where the wetland condition is stable. It porved that MIWC can also reflect Shuimokeng Stream Constructed Wetland with the health status. This study shows that the consideration of IWC are general and versatile; and suitable to be modified for Water Treatment Type Constructed Wetlands as the specific index. With this proposed MIWC as the indicator, the wetland can be quantitatively managed. Moreover, based on the case studys we showed that MIWC could increase the sensitivity of waterfront vegetation diversity sub-indicators and bird diversity sub-indicators.


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