  • 學位論文


A Study of CCFLs Treatment by Using Thermal Desorption Technology

指導教授 : 張添晉


冷陰極燈管是高科技產品之主流元件,包括液晶顯示螢幕( LCD)、掃瞄器、指示燈具、裝飾用燈等皆利用冷陰極燈管作為主要發光元件,其中又以液晶顯示螢幕所需之冷陰極燈管數量最大,平均每年有近億支冷陰極燈管產生。 依據環保署相關研究計畫推估顯示,2004年進入國內廢棄物處理系統之冷陰極燈管約4,993,700支,我國2004年消耗之冷陰極燈管中含汞量為316公斤,遠超過丹麥之5公斤,達63倍之多。人類曾有多起受有機汞及無機汞之累積性中毒傷害,龐大之含汞量勢必對環境及人體健康造成危害,故妥善處理實為當務之急。 本研究分為兩部份,實廠實驗部份及實驗室分析部份,在實廠實驗部份以熱脫附處理冷陰極燈管含汞螢光粉。冷陰極燈管含汞螢光粉之成分複雜,處理不易,且熱脫附效果只有81.24%,較其他高汞燈管為差,故以熱脫附處理冷陰極燈管含汞螢光粉時,可能需要較高溫度或較長時間之操作條件。 在實驗室分析部份針對冷陰極燈管含汞螢光粉之處理特性進行分析,以熱脫附方法回收汞,並設定溫度為控制條件,以了解不同溫度對冷陰極燈管含汞螢光粉處理效率之影響,實驗成果顯示冷陰極燈管含汞螢光粉汞釋出溫度介於30℃~300℃左右,在200℃以後僅剩少量殘餘的汞,與混樣之冷陰極燈管螢光粉之汞釋出行為大不相同。因此推論若將汞齊與廢冷陰極燈管分離,僅處理純冷陰極燈管螢光粉則可將處理溫度降至350℃,相較於處理混樣之冷陰極燈管螢光粉(含汞齊成份)需加熱至700℃仍有汞殘餘,將可大幅降低成本及提高經濟效益。


CCFLS is one of the major element of high technology products, CCFLS can used in Back light、Scanner、Exit Sign、Light Box, the most amount of CCFLS is used by LCD. Currently, there are 1 million CCFLS per Year in Taiwan. According to EPA study, it reveals that 316 kg mercury was consumed in CCFLS in Taiwan during year 2004. In addition, 4,993,700 of CCFLS used by high technology industry was well treated through industrial waste treatment system. Mercury content in high mercury-containing lamps using in high technology industrial are more than 5kg in Denmark. Human beings have been found to be harmed throughout the accumulation of organic- or inorganic-mercury in many different routes, which causd a significant impact on human health. In this study, the CCFLs were treated by full scale thermal desorption process and batch experiments.The average thermal desorption efficiencies of CCFLs was only 81.24%, which was quite lower than other high mercury-contained lamps. The more complexity the mercury compound, the higher vaporized temperature it is. The mercury vaporization batch experiments set up different thermal desorption temperatures. In this study, it was considered that different CCFLs contained mercury/fluorescent-powder vaporized to mercury vapor at different temperature. This revealed that the pre-heater temperature influence the thermal desorption efficiency on pure CCFLs contained mercury/fluorescent-powder, the pure mercury vaporized between 30℃~300℃. There was still a lot of mercury vaporized after 200℃. The result is different from complexity CCFLs contained mercury/fluorescent-powder. The are amalgam in CCFLs, the higher vaporized temperature it is. In the future, the pre-heater temperature can be reduced 350℃ to 700℃ in full scale thermal desorption process. It will be reduced the cost and increased economical benefit.


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