  • 學位論文


Study of The Hybrid ECO Green Power System

指導教授 : 高文秀


因應京都議定書溫室氣體減量的策略壓力,以及在多次的能源危機後,人們察覺到地球上所能提供的資源並非無窮無盡,於是開發及推動自產的再生能源,及確保適合人們能居住之生態環境,已成為世界各國另尋替代能源之主要政策之一。在台灣石化資源百分之九十七仰賴進口之下,太陽能、風力可為最經濟的潔淨替代能源,另水力、地熱等自然能源在我國之蘊藏量極為可觀。核能存廢一直無妥善解決之道,故開發自然能源解決部份電力之需求更為當務之急。 目前歐、美、日等國在風力/太陽能之發電量已達其國內電量之10~20%,台灣的風況條件佳、日照充足,台灣政府預期風力/太陽能之發電深具開發潛力,鼓勵再生能源技術之研發,並扶植國內自製風力/太陽能混合型發電系統等在台灣製造為主要政策目標。近年來半導體、電力電子技術的發展日趨普及與成熟,本論文以應用風力/太陽能等再生能源環保發電整合系統作為研究對象,落實再生能源技術之應用發展。


In accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, under the greenhouse vapors decrease tactic pressure, and after several worldwide energy crises, people notice that the earth can not supply endless energy resources. Thus developing and promoting renewable energy sources and building an Ecological Life Style (ECO) green power system are on their way, seeking for substitute fossil fuel resources has become one of the main policy of the world. In Taiwan, 97 percent of fossil fuel resources rely on import, so the solar power and wind power can play the most favorable role to substituting energy sources,likewise the other natural energy resoureces such as hydraulic power, geothermal etc., and some of the resources are very remarkable in Taiwan. Nuclear energy policy however has not been settled. Developing natural energy sources to satisfy the need of electric power has become the urgent matter. Currently, in the countries like Europe, US, Japan, the electric power produceed by wind power/solar energy have already reached 10%~20% of total electric power consumption.With the good wind codition and stable solar energy. Government of Taiwan expects the wind power/solar power hybrid become more potential and encourages to develop renewable energy research, and sets the supporting plans on manufacturing the components of wind power/solar energy hybrid power system locally in Taiwan. In recent years, semiconductor, power electronics technical development has been more popular and mature day by day. To develop the renewable energy techniques, the thesis of this reaserch is the study of the hybrid ECO green power system.


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