  • 學位論文


The Research Based on Land-use Management for Applying the Planning Permission on Mao-kong Taipei city

指導教授 : 彭光輝


臺北市貓空地區因具山水資源,且為水土保持、維護天然資源及保護生態功能,長期劃定為保護區,也因為本身氣候、土壤及水質優沃之自然環境,非常適合栽種茶樹,自民國初年便開始種植茶樹,並已發展成為臺灣地區知名的鐵觀音及包種茶之觀光茶園,種植範圍遍及貓空、樟湖、待老坑及石坡坑一帶,實具有茶文化歷史,朝向休閒農業發展之內涵。惟近年來隨著週休二日實施及國人對觀光休閒的重視,逐漸發展形成臺北地區民眾登山、品茗、賞夜景之熱門休閒遊憩地區,伴隨著大量湧入的消費人潮,卻造成貓空土雞城、茶坊餐廳等違規使用、違章建築到處林立,不但造成土石流失,甚至導致道路或地基坍塌,嚴重破壞當地生態環境。傳統茶葉產量因長期土地使用酸化嚴重下,產量明顯降低,附近居民私闢菜園,販售自種野菜蔬果,除破壞水土保持,也使週邊環境破舊髒亂。除此之外原狹窄的產業道路加上缺乏停車腹地,山下湧入大量車流及違規停車,更是造成當地假日交通嚴重堵塞,造成貓空地區整體空間發展永續發展的危機。 然而休閒農業發展不同於傳統農業生產及加工,並包括休閒遊憩服務及所需各項經營設施,也因此其土地使用強度及影響層面較一般農業使用更大,如何在土地合理利用原則下,對土地使用強度及設施區位管理作適宜配置,是朝向永續發展重要課題,回顧休閒農業、山坡地開發及臺北市之貓空地區觀光政策發展,貓空地區在朝向休閒農業推動過程中,因農地政策定位不清、相關法令繁雜,主管權責分散,缺乏上位計畫對整體土地管控機制,造成即有農地既難以維持,農地違規使用,特別是都市計畫邊緣地區-貓空地區,早期作為休閒農業推動之先驅,惟在發展過程最後,卻因土地繼承分割過於零星分散,無法達到申設休閒農場門檻值,而無法賡續朝向休閒農業合理發展。 以往台灣地區之土地利用開發通常以都市更新、新市鎮及新社區開發或變更、擴大都市計畫等模式,目前主要採行的開發方式有:市地重劃、區段徵收、開發許可、都市更新等;姑不論以何種方式辦理,在沒有整體的土地利用開發規劃前提下,當政經發展快速變動,政策及功能目標競合矛盾的衝擊,地產管理經營決策的時效性,均將造成開發績效不彰,發展停滯等政策失靈。因此重新審視土地利用開發應以地區特性、土地分區管制、可行性、促進地區發展願景的達成度,包括居民對於環境的優先撰擇及開發財政問題決策考量,以帶動地方繁榮,居民共享開發利益,方可真正達成改善整體生活之都市再發展目標。 因此本研究期望藉此案例,探討如何在兼顧環境保育及永續發展前提下,面對現行發展重要課題提出對策及建議,在朝向休閒農業經營發展方向下,運用開發許可制機制,納入適宜土地使用管理體系及制度,增進貓空地區產業競爭優勢,並同時提昇當地環境品質。使其朝向精緻休閒農業及遊憩發展,營造以觀光茶園、市民農場、農村生活體驗園區。


Over the years, Maokong region has been designated as a protection area for its rich landscape and ecosystem. The comfortable climate with a fruitful and clean soil and water resource makes Maokong a suitable environment for tea cultivation. People have been planting tea in Maokong area as early as the first year of ROC, and Maokong has become a well known tea agricultural area for Tieguanyin and Pouchong ever since. The tea cultivation has covered from Maokong to Zhanghu, Dailaokeng and Shipokeng area. Nowadays a tea cultural tourism has been developed in Maokong because of the area’s history and culture. The tourism is moving towards a leisurely agricultural development route. In recent years, Maokong has become an even more popular place for mountain hiking, tea tasting, and night scenery viewing to people in Taipei, as people became more aware of tourism and leisure from the implementation of two-day weekend. However the influx of people did not only bring in business opportunity, it also brought in constructions of illegal buildings like range chicken and tea restaurants. The illegal constructions not only cause collapse roads and landslides, it also creates major damage to the local ecosystem. Also, the traditional tea production slipped noticeably due to soil acidification from the long-term land use. The self-grown vegetable business run by the local residents causes both soil and water conservation damage and environmental pollution. Furthermore, the narrowed industrial roads and the lack of parking space have no ability to handle the traffic influx and illegal parking generated from the holiday touristic activities. These issues create risks to the sustainable development in Maokong area. The leisurely agricultural development is different from the traditional agricultural production and process; it has leisure activity service and all the required facilities. And so it has a greater land usage and effect level than ordinary agriculture. How to manage the land usage and facility positioning under the legitimate land use principal is the important task towards sustainable development. Looking back at the development of touristic policies in Maokong, Taipei, leisure agriculture, and hillside development, Maokong has been mismanaged. During the whole process of leisure agriculture promotion, the difficult upkeep of existing farmland and the illegal use of farmland exists in Maokong are due to the facts of unclear farmland policies, the overly complicated regulations, the dispersion of power and responsibility, and the lack of management plan to the whole land. Maokong area, as a marginal zone of urban planning, has been a pioneer of leisure agriculture development. However, it failed to development further legitimately towards the end of the development process. It all because of the scattered land from the multiple inheritances failed to meet the standard of leisure agriculture application. In the past, the land use methods in Taiwan have been urban redevelopment, new township and community development, urban expansion, etc. Nowadays the main development methods are land redistribution, zone expropriation, development permit, urban redevelopment, etc. However, regardless of which method is executed, land development policies’ effectiveness would be limited, bogged down, or non-effective if there isn’t a development plan that takes everything into consideration. The fast pace of political and economical change, the impact from the contradiction between policy’s goal and result, and efficiency of land management, all are the facts that may take a development plan into failure. Therefore, when reexamining land development, one should follow the characteristics of the area, land zoning management, accomplishing rate, residents’ favorable choice on environment, and development’s financial problem. Only doing so can achieve the goal of urban development that can improve life as a whole and bring up local economy. This research is hoping to take the Maokong case to discover ways to improve present development plans while keeping environmental protection and sustainable development in mind. I want to take the development permit system and implement that into the suitable land use management and system. Maokong’s local competiveness will improve and environmental quality will rise. Making it into a delicate leisure agriculture and recreational development where people can enjoy fine tea and experience farm life.


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