  • 學位論文


Performance Evaluation of Industrial Designers ~ A Case Study

指導教授 : 王鴻祥


企業的目的在創造財富,而財富來自成功的產品。根據研究,設計可以決定所有成本的85%。本論文的研究案例:W公司,乃是一家ODM的電子錶廠,由於其產品屬性,工業設計對於其產品的成敗扮演著極重要的地位,而工業設計師正是扮演這關鍵靈魂人物。但,對於工業設計師的績效評估,卻未依照設計師特殊的工作性質,訂定出專用的表格,仍是採用公司體制下的通用表格。而目前的績效評估量表與制度並無法讓設計師針對承接專案的效率、產品銷售狀況、設計圖量與量產機種之比例…等,有所認知與評估,也無法表達對於未來工作的期望、改善的目標..等,然而這些資訊與溝通對於設計主管與設計師雙方來說都是非常重要的。 本研究針對此公司的產品屬性與工業設計師工作內容,透過文獻探討研究與對所屬設計師進行問卷調查與訪談,瞭解到該公司設計師對現有績效評估制度的看法與期望,且分析出設計師工作內容與投入時間比例..等,並採用平衡計分卡的主要四個指標:財務、客戶、內部流程、學習與成長為理念基礎,發展出四大評估構面:一般技能/專業技能、工作內容、產品實際銷售、意見與學習,進而訂定出各個構面之評估項目,成功建立一套改良的績效評估表,使得設計主管與工業設計師能在一較公平的績效評估制度下進行溝通改善,並讓工業設計師透過這些評估指標改善其工作以獲得更佳的績效,為公司培養出優秀的工業設計團隊。


The purpose of enterprises is to create wealth, which comes from successful products. According to literature, product design decides 85 percent of cost. As for company W, an electric watch ODM factory, product design plays a vital role in the success of products due to its special product characteristics. Therefore, industrial designers are extremely influential. However, there have not been any special forms to evaluate industrial designers’ performance based on their unique working features. Currently companies still adopt general fixed forms and systems, which limit designers’ evaluation of project efficiency, product sales, design drafts, percentage of mass production, and so on. Furthermore, designers may encounter obstacles that discourage them from expressing their expectation of future work and goals of improvement, while the information mentioned above is very important for both managers and designers. Focusing on the company’s product characteristics and working content of industrial designers, this study aims to realize the designers’ thoughts and expectation of the current evaluation method and analyze their working content and the proportion of time spent. Besides literature review, questionnaires and interviews of the designers, we also include the four perspectives of Balanced Scorecard, financial, customer, internal business processes, and learning & growth, to develop the four evaluation criteria, general/professional skills, working content, practical product sales, and opinion & learning. This improved evaluation form of performance could help managers and designers to communicate and develop under a fairer system, encourage designers to better their working performance, and cultivate excellent industrial design team for the company.


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