  • 學位論文


A Study on Thread Modes on the Efficiency of Image Processing Surveillance System

指導教授 : 吳明川


目前多數的數位影像監視系統,其程式不具有同步性,故在多事件偵測或偵測行程(Process)的權較重時經常導致其它行程執行延遲。再者多事件偵測的影像處理是非常耗時,故如何充份發揮CPU效能,進而增加程式處理速度並降低處理時間是個新課題。因此,讓影像式監控系統的偵測事件具有同步性及發揮CPU使用效能,是本研究主要目的。 本文,以實驗室為例利用PTZ IP攝影機進行影像式安全偵測,其偵測模式分為警戒模式及監控模式,將偵測事件模組化並且利用執行緒處理模式(Thread Mode)建立程式架構。最後,利用執行緒處理模式及非執行緒處理模式進行性能比較,得到實驗結果確實為執行緒處理模式是具有同步性及提升CPU使用效能。


In the present day, most of the digital motoring systems are not synchronous with software program. When during multiple events detection, the software always cause delay or postponement even overload. On the other hand, events multiple detection of software program always takes times, so how to improve computer’s CPU performance also increase software program speed in order to save times will be a new subject. So, how to let the multiple event detection be synchronous with software program and improve computer’s CPU effective utilization in image surveillance system will be this research main purpose. As laboratory as a sample, we use PTZ IP camera to do image security detect, detect mode will divide into security mode and monitor mode. We take result images to build a thread program system. At the end, we use thread mode and non thread mode to make an efficient compare, the thread program system are better performance also can synchronous with software program and increase computer’s CPU performance.


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