  • 學位論文


Benefit Analysis of Small Hydraulic Electrogenerating on The Industrial cooling systems

指導教授 : 林正平


台灣地區由於工商業持續發展及人民生活水準不斷提高,導致能源需求量快速成長而台灣地區由於自產能源短缺,98.2%以上原料需自國外進口,目前全世界80%的能源供應,來自於煤炭、石油、天然氣等石化燃料,有鑒於能源即將耗盡,也因應溫室氣體汙染碳排放問題,我國必須研議提升再生能源推廣目標並加速推動。相對其他開發多年的國家而言,我國小水力發電此種再生能源是較為缺乏經驗,且尚未落實的,此發電技術並非一種全新技術,但現今小水力發電成本仍然高於一般市電成本,因此本文的研究目的在於建立基礎模型在研究假設之下,模擬碳稅政策對工業冷卻水小水力發電成本效益影響之評估。 本文運用分析本國對於小水力系統開發會遭遇到的阻礙要因,並調查國內外之發展現況、案例等資料,以國內實際案例模擬分析,做為業者投資小水力發電發電產業之參考。


Taiwan due to commercial and industrial sustainable development and people's living standards continue to improve, resulting in the rapid growth of energy demand in Taiwan due to the shortage of indigenous energy, more than 98.2% of raw materials need to be imported from abroad, 80 percent of the world's energy supply comes from coaloil, gas and other fossil fuels, view of the energy is running out, and also due to the greenhouse gas pollution and carbon emissions, China must deliberations to enhance the promotion of renewable energy targets and accelerate. Relative to other countries developed over the years, China's small hydropower this renewable energy is relatively inexperienced, and has not yet been implemented, this power generation technology is not a new technology, but today's small hydro costs are still higher than the general cost of mains the purpose of this study is to establish the basis of the model under the assumption of the study, the simulation of a carbon tax policy on small hydro cost-effective impact assessment. In this paper, the analysis of their own for the development of small hydro system will encounter obstacles, and investigate domestic and international development of the current situation, case information, case simulation analysis, investment in small hydro power industry as the industry reference.


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