  • 學位論文


Applying the Six Formation Principles of Chinese Characters to Products Simplicity Design

指導教授 : 陳文印


產品設計構想發展階段是產品設計開發過重中非常重要的一環,設計師於此階段除了設計創意的展現,更重要的是必須考慮人、環境、產品間的關係,乃至爾後的設計過程。而設計方法的產生便是在幫助設計師能夠完善的考量,並且因方法的輔助能刺激產生更多新的創意聯想,因此筆者運用圖文同源的中國文字造字方法—「六書」轉化為設計方法,並將「六書」簡圖為字的方法結合「簡約」設計趨勢,讓產品能更符合時下之需求。 本論之目的在探討六書造字規則與簡約設計於產品創新上的應用研究,從內容分析及文本分析整理出六書造字法應用於產品簡約設計構想發展之方法,藉由專家問卷意見加以修正,得出六書簡約設計應用於產品構想發展之方法,而研究過程中所發現的結論,說明如下: 一、簡約設計「Simplicity」之產品設計九項趨勢。 二、六書系統與設計元素間的合理連結分類。 三、六書簡約設計方法的發散與節制雙向設計考量。 四、六書簡約設計方法的六項設計構想發展之運用。


Concept development is a very important stage in the process of product design. Designers will not only show their innovative ideas at this stage, but they also have to consider the bonding between human, environment and products in the entire design process. The emergence of design tools is to assist designers to have comprehensive consideration and to stimulate more innovative ideas. This is why the writer applies six formation principles of Chinese character and converts it into design tools, together with the trend of simplicity, so to make the products fit the demand of people nowadays. The aim of this study is to explore the application of six formation principles of Chinese characters and simplicity in product design and innovation. Through analyzing the content, and with the aid of professional advice, ways are generated to apply six formation principles of Chinese characters into simplicity product design. Four points are summarized as per below: 1. Nine trends of simplicity product design. 2. It is reasonable to link up the Six formation principles of Chinese character and products design. 3. Applying the Six formation principles of Chinese character toProducts Simplicity Design that is moderate in design method. 4. Applying the Six formation principles of Chinese character to Products Simplicity Design that acquire 6 design methods.


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