  • 學位論文


The Influence Factor of Job Satisfaction for Thai Worker of Mass Rapid Transit System

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


近十餘年來,由於各項重大公共工程的全面展開,凸顯國內基層勞力不足的問題。對公共工程營造業特別是捷運工程而言,國內基層勞力流動率高且無法滿足業者高效率、低成本、短工期的期待與要求,相關營造業者對外勞在工作上的倚賴也就與日俱增。根據勞委會97年3月底的統計資料,營造業外籍勞工以泰國勞工所佔比例達82.5%為最高,因此,本研究以捷運泰籍勞工為研究標的,探討如何透過健全的人力資源管理活動有效率地管理泰籍勞工,而泰籍勞工在個人化差異因素與人口統計變數及組織特性間,所衍生與工作滿意度的關聯為何? 不同的組織特性在泰勞的工作滿意度上有何差異? 以上這些議題都是本研究所要探討的重點。 由於研究生所從事工作之便,本研究取得台北捷運工程五大主要土建承包商之協助,透過各標案泰勞管理室,針對捷運在建工程之泰籍勞工進行問卷調查。本研究以自填式問卷作為蒐集資料的方式,問卷係以中文方式設計並翻譯成泰文格式以方便泰籍勞工填答。問卷總共發放250份,實際回收有效問卷共計223份。 從本研究的分析結果顯示,內外向性格與工作滿意度有顯著的高度正相關,意味著外向性格的泰籍勞工比較容易在工作執行的各個層面,獲得一定的滿意;而且,內外向性格也與自我效能有顯著的高度正相關,外向性格屬性的泰籍勞工在自我效能的表現上普遍較好,而從關聯性分析來看,自我效能對工作滿意度各層面亦有著顯著的一定程度正相關,因此,若能將內外向性格差異,納入泰籍勞工徵選考量,相信可以讓企業在泰籍勞工的工作推展與管理上更加順利。此外,本研究在單因子變異數的研究結果顯示,工程標案的預算規模越大、泰籍勞工及本國籍員工的人數越多,在泰籍勞工的工作滿意度所得到的結果越低。於是在標案組織內作適當的組織分割是有其必要的,讓每個組織內依工作任務、工作屬性或工作範圍所分割出來的管理單位,能有專屬的泰籍勞工,再依階段性任務彼此支援,在此一工作專業化、管理單純化的作法之下,相信可以提升泰籍勞工的工作熟練度與達成單位之專責管理目標,進而提升工作效率降低作業成本,亦為個別單位在人力資源管理績效上之評比依據。


Due to the wider extension of each public construction so the issue of labor shortage in Taiwan is explored for over 10 years. In term of public construction especially in MRT system, the working flow rate of local labors is high and can not be satisfied for the expectation and demand of high efficiency, low cost and short working period for the construction company therefore the relative construction company rely on foreign labors deeply. According to the statistic report of Council of Labor Affairs in March 2008, the occupation percentage of Thai worker is up to 82.5% in total foreign worker. Therefore, the object of this study focusing on Thai worker of MRT about how to manage Thai worker efficiently through a solid activity of human resource management, and what association of the job satisfaction is from the association of the view of MRT Thai worker to study the factor of personal differentiation, the variable of population of statistic and the association of character of organization. Due to personal job carrier is in this industrial so this study was assisted by the top 5 major construction contractors to proceed the questionnaire by aiming the Thai workers who are working on ongoing construction of MRT through the every bidding management room of Thai worker. The model of this questionnaire is self fill out the form for the method of Secondary Information Collection.. The questionnaire is designed in Chinese and translated to Thai for those Thai workers to fill out the questionnaire. The total submitted quantity is 250 sets and actual returned quantity is 223 sets. The result of the analysis of this study indicates there is an obvious positive relation for the job satisfaction of introverts and extroverts that mean the extroverts will be easy to conduct the assignment of each level and has certain satisfaction, besides, the personality of introverts and extroverts has obvious positive relation for self effective and the extrovert Thai workers have good performance in self effective in general. From the analysis of relationship, the self effective has certain positive relation for the job satisfaction in each layer, therefore , the differentiation of introverts and extroverts can be included in the consideration of recruiting Thai worker that will help the contractors to develop and manage the Thai worker soomthly. Besides, the ANOVA of this study indicates the higher budge of construction bidding that they need more Thai workers and local workers and the consequence of job satisfaction will be low accordingly. However, to take proper organization dividing in bidding department is necessary, it allow each department which is divided from the organization based on job assignment, job category and job territory has their own Thai worker and can be supported to each other by job segment. It can escalate the working skill of Thai worker in a specialized job, purely method of management, thus, the working efficiency is upgraded and the cost is reduced, also, it become the criteria of judgment for the performance of human resource management for each department.


Job Satisfaction SEM foreign workers


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