  • 學位論文


Analysis of Energy Usage for Industry Economy

指導教授 : 李文興


為衡量國內各產業的環境資源利用效率,本研究經參酌生態足跡及國內綠色國民所得帳之評估項目,針對國內產業在創造附加價值與就業機會的生產活動中所產生之二氧化碳的排放及其對能源的使用效率,提出「環境資源效率」之概念。考慮產業關聯效果的存在,利用投入產出分析法(Input-Output Method)求出各個產業的生產活動對國內的GDP、污染排放及資源使用的總效果。並分別利用CCR及BCC資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis , DEA),建立各個產業之環境資源效率指標,據以評估國內各個產業在創造附加價值之生產活動中的環境資源利用效率。


The study aims at proposing the concept of “environmental resources utilization efficiency by using the assessment entries adopted for ecological footprint and Green GDP analysis to evaluate the energy resources utilization efficiency of local industries in Taiwan and to measure the CO2 emission generated by their production activities and related efforts of creating added values and employment opportunities. Taking into consideration of the correlations between local industries, the study employs the Input-Output method to estimate the influences of each industry’s production activities on the GDP, pollution and energy utilization in Taiwan. Data Envelopment Analysis methods – CCR and BCC – are also used to develop the Index of Environmental Resources Utilization Efficiency for each industry for evaluating the resource utilization efficiency of an industry’s added-value-generating production activities.


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