  • 學位論文


Fuzzy Multiple Objective Integrated Logistics Model in a Green Supply Chain

指導教授 : 邱垂昱




Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is an increasingly widely-diffused practice among companies that are seeking to improve their environmental performance. Also, integrated logistics model have attracted considerable interest from both practitioners and academics. Due to the uncertain environments, lots of researches have been used fuzzy set to handle uncertain demands and external raw material problems. This paper presents a fuzzy multiple objective integrated logistics model under green supply chain environment. The objective of this research is to discuss maximizing the profit of both manufacturing and reverse chain in a fuzzy environment with using three different methods to solve this problem. Factors such as subsidies from governmental organizations for reverse logistics are considered and investigated in the model formulation. Finally, numerical examples are given to explain the proposed solution procedure. The results of this example illustrate that the ordinary solving procedure has the best solution among the three methods. And when the governmental subsidy value increased, the profit of the reverse chain also increased, which indicates that the governmental subsidy policy remains as a critical determinant in influencing the performance of used-product reverse logistic chain.


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