  • 學位論文


An Exploration of Green Evaluation on Supplier Based on Multi-objective Fuzzy decision analysis

指導教授 : 盧煜煬


近年來,消費者購買習慣由購買產品本身改變為購買整套產品及其服務,這個轉變使得資源循環、重覆利用零件或產品變得更有價值。為因應政府單位提高相關規定及大眾對環保議題的關注,許多企業組織正主動試著改變其供應鏈。與過去逆物流模式比較,綠色供應鏈管理(Green Supply Chain Management, GSCM)是比較廣泛的概念,其中包括各式工具供企業與其供應商及顧客使用,以達到降低其產品或生產流程中所產生的污染物。綠色供應鏈主要的兩個目標為: 1.在所有的供應鏈的成員裡,維持特定的環境績效準則,並且在環境準則下提升企業的行為。 2.必須幫助供應商了解環境問題之重要性,並且支援他們改善環境品質。 在過去十年間,綠色供應鏈管理突然之間的崛起,是一個非常重要的發展。綠色供應鏈管理增加企業與其供應鏈其它成員,在環境品質議題上合作及整合的機會。另外,綠色供應鏈管理提供中小企業資訊及技術的支援,因為中小企業不像大企業有足夠的資源。綠色供應鏈也可以偵測環境改善的歷程及提升。未來,將會有更多的產品或原料成為可回收資源,而企業也必需面對不斷向上提升的環境保護意識,在供應鏈的決策當中去考量其環境品質及責任。本研究提供了一個創新的方法,也就是利用一個簡單而有效率的程序,評估企業推動綠色供應鏈的效率及為實踐綠色供應鏈管理概念的狀況,更重要的是,在綠色供應鏈裡面應用多目標模糊決策分析的評價方法,來衡量評估供應商的績效。


The recent shift from buying products to purchasing sets of services makes the re-use of recovered materials, parts and products desirable. In response to heightened governmental regulations and rising public awareness of the effect of industrial production on the environment, many organizations are now undertaking major initiatives to transform their supply chain processes. In contrast with the reverse logistic models, the Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is abroad concept that refers to a variety of methods by which companies work with their suppliers to improve the environmental performance of their products or manufacturing processes of the suppliers, customers or both. Two primary goals of GSCM include: (1) Consistently meeting specified environmental performance criteria among the participants in the supply chain, and promoting responsible corporate environmental behavior among all the players in the chain of products and services, and (2) Helping suppliers to recognize the importance of resolving environmental issues and support them in installing their own improvement initiatives. The emergence of GSCM is one of the most significant environmental developments in the past decade, offering the opportunity for companies to align their supply chains in accordance with environmental and sustainability goals. GSCM provides information and technical assistance to small- and medium-sized businesses that lack the resources of large companies, and can monitor and measure progress to facilitate environmental enhancement. The number of products produced entirely of recyclable materials will increase in the future, and organizations will have to make supply chain decisions within the context of growing environmental concerns and responsibilities. This study presents an innovative method using simple and efficient procedures to evaluate the effectiveness of projects supplying GSCM concept. Specifically, a multi-objective decision making process for GSCM is presented to help the supply chain manager in measuring and evaluating suppliers performance based on an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) decision-making method. In addition, to reduce subjective bias in designing a weighting system, a fuzzy logic process is used to modify the AHP.


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