  • 學位論文


Exploration of Key Factors for Selecting Material Suppliers from a Green Perspective – A Case Study of Panel Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 徐旭昇


在全球的國際環境市場裡,各先進國家無不將「綠色產業」視為國家積極推動的重點項目。隨著環保意識的日益高漲,國際間開始針對產品的規格規範了一些環保性的要求。其中,深遠影響且最迫切的,即是歐盟所公佈與實施的廢電機電子設備指令(WEEE)及危害物質禁用指令(RoHS)。而伴隨著這些環保法規生效,也正式宣告國內製造業將從傳統供應鏈時代,進入到更嚴格的綠色供應鏈時代。 本研究從面板產業的綠色觀點探討供應商選擇之關鍵因子,透過文獻探討,並利用層級程序分析法(AHP)具同時處理多準則、方案、群體意見以及質化標準的特性,在衡量整體評選構面與準則之權重與排序後,發現建構綠色供應鏈,供應商產品要取得能源之星或環保標章等資格為首要重視條件,其次為綠色供應商的產品回收程度。因此,由研究結果可得知,面板產業與相關供應商取得一定程度的環保認證,已成為未來轉型綠色的最低門檻。而由於綠色產品相關設計複雜,如何積極將產品回收做到能降低處理成本,也是面板產業需努力達成的目標。 本研究案例分析根據層級程序分析法(AHP)得到面板產業建構綠色供應鏈之關鍵因子的相關權重與排序,其相關結果經個案面板公司之兩位高階主管共識後,採用簡單多屬性評分技術(SMART)的方案選擇技巧進行實證分析,遴選出得分最高並符合個案面板公司綠色產品之廠商,並建構出一份適合評選供應商綠色績效之決策架構。


As the global environment is deteriorating nowadays, many developed countries have stressed the significance of green manufacturing in their national policy. This change spread throughout the world when the European Union (EU) announced two directives on industrial products in 2003 – RoHS (Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances) and WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). With the broad consensus of the two directives, the global industry has entered a new period which we shall refer to as “Green Supply Chain era”. Our study focus is on the panel industry in Taiwan, and we explore key factors influencing domestic manufacturers in their selection of material suppliers under the restrictive environment. The research adopts an integration procedure combing the AHP (analytic hierarchy process) and SMART (simple multi-attribute review technique) to determine these factors or attributes. The procedure consists of three steps: (1) Applying AHP to conclude the opinion of engineers and middle managers, establishing hierarchical attributes towards supplier selection, and ranking the attributes’ importance; (2) Obtaining the approval from the top management, and making any necessary modifications; (3) Requesting supplier candidates to complete a self-evaluation form, and employing SMART to rank supplier candidates in terms of competence. The above procedure has been implemented in a real world company and has received high praise from the participants. The case study had gained the support of the company’s colleagues and top management of the company, as well as cooperation from the suppliers.


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