  • 學位論文


Technology and product trends of 3D printing

指導教授 : 陳省三


2013年2月,美國總統歐巴馬在國情諮文公佈 100 億美元的振興製造業方案,希望能強化國防實力,以及振興美國疲弱的製造業。同時3D列印風潮也從美國吹向台灣;同年七月,工研院早已積極投入3D列印技術,並成立國內第一個3D列印製造產業群聚,目前已經有36家企業與機關參與,希望能夠開啟台灣3D列印發展契機。工研院南分院執行長徐紹中表示,過去有許多難以加工的複雜工件,現在都可透過3D列印技術精密的製造出來。製造設備與材料研發原本就是台灣的強項,台灣已具備研發3D列印需要的設備與材料的所有條件。因此更該抓住這次3D列印的機會,不僅可以鼓勵台灣中小企業的創業與創造並可提供更多高階工作機會。因此本論文藉由分析3D列印之成型加工法專利分析,並專注於美國、歐洲、中國與台灣關鍵專利布局分析與洞察全球市場中,並分析台灣現有可應用之3D列印技術尋找可行的市場切入點,提供台灣工研院及業界作為參考與研究發展建議。


In February 2013, President Obama announced the "National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI)" project with budget 10 billion dollar. it contained the research “how 3-D printing technology can be moved from the research phase to day-to-day use.” Not only U.S focus on the 3D printing technology but also in Taiwan. Since 2011, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan has been actively involved in 3D printing technology, and already established the first 3D printing manufacturing industry cluster. Currently , there are 36 companies and academic research units participation in “Laser Additive Manufacturing Industry Cluster” program. ITRI says:"There were some parts were complex and hard to make, but it can be make nowadays by 3D printing which make it in a short time without molding." Therefore, in this study we analyzed global 3D printing patent, and focused on US, EP, CN and TW patent portfolio which could provide a guide for Taiwan’s government and enterprises. Find the global market cut point with Taiwan currently applicable technology by patent map.


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