  • 學位論文


Research of Carbon Nanotubes Applied to Infrared Heating and DNA Microfluidic Chip

指導教授 : 黃榮堂 林震


本研究共分為兩個主題:一是奈米碳管無電解電鍍鎳與金以及紅外線吸收加熱。內容為將多壁奈米碳管與奈米螺旋碳管施以酸洗、敏化、催化等前處理,依序在表面形成活性官能基、敏化層與催化層。接著利用無電解電鍍的方法,在多壁奈米碳管與奈米螺旋碳管表面鍍上鎳與金,並施以適當的熱處理使其具有良好的導磁性及表面特性。後續再以波長808nm、功率250mW的近紅外線二極體雷射分別照射施鍍前/後的多壁奈米碳管與奈米螺旋碳管,搭配紅外線熱像儀觀察其溫度變化。探討表面鍍上鎳與金的多壁奈米碳管與奈米螺旋碳管吸收紅外線轉化為熱能之能力。實現可磁操縱與吸收近紅外線轉化為熱能的中空奈米材料。 二是DNA微流道定序晶片設計。內容以TSMC CMOS 0.18μm製程為基礎,搭配曝光、顯影、蝕刻、濺鍍、聚焦離子束(FIB)等後製程,設計出結合分散、拉直DNA的微流道結構與奈米碳管電晶體(CNTFET)量測單元之MEMS晶片。再以PDMS氧電漿接合與準分子雷射鑽孔,製作出封裝微流道晶片與微流道的進/出口。藉由microinjection探針將DNA檢體注入晶片上的微流道入口,透過微流道結構將DNA分散、拉直並接觸CNTFET量測單元,經由量測CNTFET不同的電流訊號分辨出DNA的四種鹼基:A、C、G、T以達到定序之目的。


The research was two topic included. First topic demonstrated for MWCNTs and CNCs which were gold and nickel coated on the surface by electroless plating, with thermal energy convertible by near-infrered absorption. Before coating process, we employ acid-washing, sensitization and activation as pre-treatment on MWCNTs and CNCs. After the coating process was finished. An ability of thermal energy convertible by near-infrared absorbtion was explored with near-infrared irradiation. Second topic is DNA sequencing by microfluidic chip. According to TSMC CMOS 0.18μm process and the post-process, this chip contains the CNTFET measurement components and microfluidic for DNA dispersion. The dispersed DNA will be directed through the CNTFETs. When DNA base contacts the CNT, The electrical properties will be changed, by measurement of the electrical signals from CNTFETs , thus the purpose of sequencing can be achieved.


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