  • 學位論文


A Research of Smart Handheld Device Application in Construction Management

指導教授 : 林利國


在營建工程施工作業的每個環節中,現場監工人員乃為工程施工品質掌握最直接的執行者,因此監造品質的好壞即會影響工程品質。由於營建工程的施工現場人員繁雜,隨時有不同的事務等待處理,舉凡施工日誌、作業介面溝通、即時決策等皆屬經常需要執行之工作;而傳統上現場監工人員每日經常發生須花費時間往返工務所與工地各個區塊,耗費了許多時間,而這些時間的消耗亦會影響到監工人員進行現場管理的品質。 近年來智慧型手持裝置或是行動化設備,無論在傳輸速度跟使用介面上的更新與進步,相較於早期都有非常重大的發展;因此,本研究乃構思,若能妥善利用智慧型手持設備的特性,以結合工程管理實務上的需求,開發一套智慧型手持裝置之監工管理應用程式,進而協助監工人員之施工管理作業,則應能有助於提升施工管理品質。本研究所建構之管理系統係先經由專家訪談與問卷分析以了解監工人員日常作業困難與需求,再以此作為系統設計之根據,並選擇Android為應用程式開發平台,且以裝載Andriod SDK之Eclipse IDE為開發環境,配合Java SE6為主要JAVA語言版本來進行系統之開發;最後經由實際現場測試及回饋與驗證,證實本雛型系統可有效協助監工人員日常施工管理之業務執行績效。


In the process of any construction projects, every supervisor is the most direct influence of the project quality, so his/her performance of construction management will fully affect the project quality. There are a lot of people in the construction job site, and lots of different things waiting for processed, such as construction log, communication of operating interface, instant decision-making and etc.; these things all often need to perform. Traditionally because of work requirements, supervisor spends a lot of time for moving around the site, the consumption of these time will affect the quality of supervision management . In recent years, smart handheld devices or mobile devices, regardless of the update and progress on the transmission speed with the user interface compared to the early are very significant development, this study is thinking to use the characteristics of smart handheld devices, combination of engineering and management practices on the demand, such should be able to promote the real-time construction management. This system refers through expert interviews and questionnaires survey, and selects the Android system as a development platform. Finally applies at the field test for the correction and feedback to improving lack of this phototype system. Based on the testing result, this developed prototype system is an valuable application to the construction management.


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