  • 學位論文


A Study of the Key Success Factors of Building Energy Efficiency Upgrade Plan

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇 耿慶瑞


近年來全球暖化的嚴重性加諸人類毫無節制的使用能源,使得全球二氧化碳濃度日益遽增,導致能源枯竭及溫室效應影響人類居住環境,亦為人類必須面對重視之社會課題。為減緩氣候變遷及減少人為溫室氣體排放,京都議定書於2005年2月16日正式生效,一個對碳排放限制的時代儼然來臨。為改變全球溫暖化趨勢,國際間多建議各國將全球問題轉化成日常生活周遭之行動,也可轉換成中央與地方政府之共同合作,加強發展「節能減碳」與「綠建築推動方案」已成為全球共同追求之趨勢,能源服務產業有其必要性。 本研究經由專家深度訪談、文獻探討與整理,彙整出出建築能源效率改善計畫執行關鍵成功的層級因素,並選用層級分析法(AHP) ,對建築能源效率提升計畫參與相關之專家學者、設計監造單位、施工廠商等進行問卷訪談,分析影響成功因素的優先次序及權重比例,瞭解能源服務產業關鍵的成功因素,以提供能源服務產業相關之決策者及執行者未來執行推廣策略與方針。 根據結果分析,透過專家深度訪談,將能執行建築能源效率提升計畫之關鍵成功因素研究分成顧客服務、政策制度、環境資源、能源技術及經濟財務五大構面進行模擬理論分析,要優先考量因素為與降低能源成本及減少電費支出有關之「經濟財物」;其次為政策制度;第三為顧客服務; 第四為能源技術; 最後為環境資源。由上述構面顯示,整體能源服務產業推展之主要因素仍維繫在經濟財務成本因素及政府政策制度,政府必須訂定明確之政策與目標。 分析能源服務產業關鍵成功因素之主要因子,提供能源服務產業如何整合現有競爭利基及未來產業方向,藉由政府相關能源法令及國際趨勢,走在能源技術服務產業的先機,打造低碳新能源產業,並搶占市場,創造產業發展新契機。


In recent years, the seriousness of global warming is caused by making increasingly dramatic increase in global carbon dioxide concentration and people use energy without restraint imposed. It’s mandatory to face these social issues as leading to energy depletion and greenhouse effect. There is an impact on human living environment. For the mitigation of climate change and to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions the Kyoto Protocol was implemented effective on February 16, 2005. An era is coming of carbon limits. For changing the global warming tendency among international countries ,it’s suggested that the global problems were transformed into daily life and also were converted into common cooperation of central and local government to strengthen the development of the energy-saving , carbon reduction and green building promotion programs that have been popular to pursuit in the world. This study is through depth interviews with experts, literature review and consolidation of data collection to extract key success factors of the energy services industry. The method is to use the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to conduct the questionnaire interviews with the relevant experts and scholars, design and supervision units and construction vendors on building energy efficiency plan. To understand the critical success factors of the energy services industry, the decision-makers and implementers to implement strategies and guidelines to provide energy services industry based on the analysis of the impact priorities and the weight ratio of the success factors. According to the analysis of results through depth interviews with experts the key success factors of building energy efficiency enhancement plan executed are reflected into five major dimensions including customer service, policies and systems, environmental resources, energy technology and economic with finance to proceed the imitation theoretical analysis. First of all, the priority considerations are reduce the energy costs and electricity costs that are related to economic and property. Secondly, it’s policies and systems. Thirdly, it’s customer service. The fourth is energy technologies. The last is environmental resources. In view of above-mentioned dimensions manifested the major factors of the promotion of the energy services industry are still connected at the cost and policies factors that government should setup specific and clear policies and objectives. The main factors of the key success factors for the analysis of the energy services industry are to provide energy services industry how to integrate existing competitive niche and future direction of the industry. To create new opportunity of industrial development and seize the market are only relying on the relevant government energy regulations and international tendencies to build low-carbon new energy industry.


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