  • 學位論文


The Research of Key Success Factors in IC Distributing Industry

指導教授 : 蔡揚宗


電子產業上游零組件領域為晶圓代工、IC設計及邏輯IC、記憶體 IC、被動元件等製造商,在下游終端產品領域則是各式資訊、工業用及消費電子產品、包括電腦產品、手機、顯示器等之製造,電子零組件通路處於電子產業供應鏈中,儘管本身並不一定具備電子零組件或終端產品生產製造的能力,然而卻在產業鏈中佔有重要的地位。IC通路商在產業中扮演著中間者角色:對原廠端而言,其價值在於作為銷售、技術,甚至是庫存的管道;對客戶端而言,除了價格、供貨等考量外,最重要的是能有足夠的技術能力,代客解決設計階段及量產階段的問題,縮短上市時程,迅速開發新產品。 面對3C整合趨勢,IC通路商扮演的角色正在逐漸轉變中。由於新一代的數位消費或通訊商品的生命週期短、上市壓力大,因此製造商必須用更快速的方式取得零件、參考設計(Reference Design),甚至是完整的設計方案,才能儘快將產品推出市面。此時,負責零件銷售的IC通路商也必須為客戶就其所代理的產品提供更完整的解決方案,IC通路商與下游製造商之間的關係,於是不再像從前僅有單純的買賣,而必須涉入客戶的設計過程,甚至必須協助其達到量產目標。 另一方面,隨著「規模經濟」與「產業整合」的效應逐漸發酵,中國大陸以其廉價人力、土地的成本優勢,吸引全球製造業大量外移至中國,大幅壓縮產業獲利。除面對原本就很激烈的同業競爭之外,又必須同時面對上游供應商與下游客戶,及在產業整併的過程所產生的變化,IC通路業者在營運面上將面臨更嚴峻的挑戰。 因此,本研究係針對IC通路產業環境的變化,與經營所面臨的挑戰與課題,歸納出關鍵成功要素,提供產業營運的策略意涵。本研究擬採用個案研究法,經由分析全球及台灣電子零組件通路產業的各項變化、未來發展趨勢,再透過實地訪查通路業者,並輔以公開資訊,進而歸納關鍵成功因素。


An electronic component distributor plays an important role in the worldwide electronic supply chain. It is the bridge between principals and customers. For principals, an electronic distributor helps to promote products; for customers, it helps to solve technical problems before mass production and speed up the development of new products. With the trend of 3C integration, the role of an IC distributor is gradually changing. Not only having the buy-and-sell relationship with its customers, nowadays, IC distributors have to involve more in the design process and offer comprehensive solutions to help customers speed up mass production. Meanwhile, with the effect of “Economies of Scale”, “Enterprise Integration” and the accelerating manufacturing facilities migration to China, IC distributors are facing thinner profit margin. The scenario undoubtedly makes IC distributors exposed to more tough challenges from its principals and customers. The research adopts case study method and conducts interviews with three IC distributors with different business models; and concludes the five key success factors in the electronic component distribution industry: the ability in technical support, financial resources control capabilities, information system integration, globally competitive product lines and the sales geographical coverage.


IC Distributor Key Success Factors


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謝宏昌(2008)。電子零組件通路商策略發展之研究 -以全科科技股份有限公司為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.10541
