  • 學位論文


The Research of Selling Strategy toward Semiconductor Channel

指導教授 : 李弘暉


本研究旨在探討半導體產品在通路上的行銷管理與行銷策略關係之研究。七十年代石油危機造成世界經濟蕭條,台灣斷然進行國內十大建設,增加內需市場安度石油危機並開始籌畫兩兆計畫,鼓勵海外國人回台發展,設立新竹科學園區發展半導體工業。八十年代初期,半導體工業開始萌芽,帶動台灣經濟快速起飛,造就了台灣在半導體領域的卓越技術。而今社會經濟的快速變化,半導體的銷售策略已於以往大不相同,客戶所希望得到服務也相對增高,舉凡迅速的交貨、高規格的品質、Payment Term的延長以及備貨能力的要求。另一方面經濟迅速發展造成製造產業的經濟規模巨大化,提高了對物料的統一採購能力,也相對增加了對原廠的議價能力,在原廠及代理通路商以及下游客戶之間如何相互合作,相互結盟,並透過合宜的行銷策略管理方法,嘗試使用資源基礎理論、五力分析以及關鍵成功因素來分析,並歸納出其競爭優勢及未來經營模式,來贏得雙贏的局面,已成為代理通路商最重要的目標之一。


The research is aim to treat the relationship of marketing strategy and management toward semiconductors. As oil crisis in 1970 which made economic depression of the world, Taiwan still insist on The Ten Major Construction Projects and safely passed it; meanwhile, a huge plan of IT and semiconductor industries has begun. The government encouraged overseas Taiwanese back to Taiwan and develops new business in Hsinchu Science Park. Semiconductor started in 1980 and Taiwan’s economy has raised and made Taiwan became the pioneer of semiconductor. As the society changed fast nowadays; the business strategy of semiconductor is different than previously, customers deserved better service quality such as superior quality product, fast delivery, extended payment term, and product stock ability. On the other hand, the fastest growing economy makes manufacture has better purchasing ability of raw material and also improved customers bargaining power toward manufacture; it also bring up the cooperation, alliance between agent channels and end user together to find out the suitable marketing strategy as combined with resource basic theory, five forces analysis, and key success factors in order to conclude the most advantageous position and future operation to gain benefit for both of channels and end users. This is the most important goal among agent channels and also the topic that we would discuss in this thesis.


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潘信文(2014)。運用區間偵測演算法實現無線心電圖 身分辨識系統〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2014.00330
