  • 學位論文


The Impact of the Combination of Positive and Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Prior Brand Impression and Sense of Virtual Community on the Advertising Effects

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


本研究依照可及性-診斷性模型來瞭解資訊在可及性與診斷性上的不同,造成消費者在判斷不同資訊所產生的差異;而不同程度的虛擬社群感會造成消費者對資訊診斷力上的差異,因此本研究欲利用這兩項因素作為干擾變數,以探討對不同電子口碑組合在廣告效果所產生的交互作用。 研究結果顯示,先前品牌印象與虛擬社群感在不同的電子口碑組合(其包含一般及欺騙電子口碑組合)下會產生不同程度的干擾作用。先前品牌印象弱的消費者在面對不同電子口碑組合時,會產生顯著的產品態度轉變效果,但在購買意圖轉變上並不顯著;先前品牌印象強的消費者較不易受到電子口碑組合的影響。虛擬社群感在訊息一致的情況下,並不會造成顯著影響;然而當訊息不一致時,虛擬社群感可以用來增加消費者對於資訊的判斷力。 此外,在加入欺騙效果後可發現,先前品牌印象弱的消費者在產品態度轉變上會出現欺騙欲達到的正向轉變效果,然而先前品牌印象強的消費者在一致負面的電子口碑組合下,其產品態度轉變則會出現因欺騙所產生的反向轉變效果。至於原本在訊息不一致時可用來進行資訊診斷的虛擬社群感,也因為受到欺騙的反向效果而導致無法產生判斷效果。


According to the accessibility-diagnosticity model, accessible information is not used as an input for judgment and choice when more diagnostic or probative information is available. We use prior brand impression as accessible information to prove this model. With experiment evidences, the ANOVA revealed a significant interaction between prior brand impression and combination of normal positive and negative electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM). Consumer has weak prior brand impression will be influence by e-WOM on conversion of product attitude than consumer has strong prior brand impression. Under deception condition, consumer has strong prior brand impression will account for reverse deceptive conversion effects of product attitude on concordant combination of deceptive e-WOM. In addition, when discordant combination of normal positive and negative e-WOM is presented, sense of virtual community has effect on advertising effects. But it does not work on discordant combination of deceptive positive and negative e-WOM.


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