  • 學位論文


Implementation of Android-Based Multi-Agent Systems for Self-Healing Distribution Systems

指導教授 : 蔡孟伸


本論文主要開發一分散式多代理人系統,在每個開關和饋線上設置代理人程式。每個代理人程式都可以擁有自己的資訊,皆可以獨立運作,並可與其他代理人程式互相交換資訊,分別做出決策,並行處理復電的調度工作。最後的決策再藉由開關(Switch)間的投、切動作,以完成電力的調度。復電工作以平行處理的方式完成,可以降低復電過程所需時間,而且能夠發揮代理人的處理能力。 本論文利用JADE平台建構出分散式多代理人系統以開發配電自動化自癒系統。代理人系統在個人電腦(PC)和Android平台上執行,分別代表開關和饋線。代理人可藉由JADE代理人平台互相溝通。本論文所開發的平台可以完成PC上的代理人與PC上的代理人溝通、Android上的代理人與Android上的代理人溝通或是PC上的代理人與Android上的代理人溝通,這些的溝通方式都是藉由Ontology進行資料交換和傳輸。使用Android平台開發是因為可以在嵌入式系統執行代理人系統,利用 Android 設計出人機介面,以方便輸入與顯示數據。使用者藉著Android介面可以方便操作配電系統復電規劃。經過實驗驗證,本論文所開發出的系統具備跨平台的特性,可以將代理人系統於三種以上的平台上實現。透過系統的模擬,可以驗證平台可以對配電系統進行復電工作,以完成系統自癒。


配電系統 復電 多代理人 JADE Android Ontology


This thesis proposed a distributed multi-agent system for distribution system service restoration. The system consists of switch and feeder agents. Each agent maintains its own information. Agents can operate independently, and talk to other agents for exchanging information. Decision makes by agents are done parallelly. Parallel processing can speed up the decision making. The final switch operations are done by switch agents. As the decision is performed parallelly, the performance service restoration can be improved. This thesis utilizes JADE as the multi-agent development platform to development a self-healing system for distribution systems. The platform consists of Personal Computers(PCs)and Android platforms. Switch and feeder agents are assigned to PCs and Android platforms. Communications between PCs, between Android platforms and between PCs and Android platforms are developed. In order to exchange information on different platforms, ontology is implemented in this thesis to avoid context confusions. Due to portability and easy development of human machine interface system, Android platform is chosen for the development of the Multi-Agent Self-Healing Distribution Systems. The simulation results show that the proposed system is able to find an adequate switch plan for service restoration by exchange information between agents.


distribution system Restoration JADE Android Ontology


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