  • 學位論文


Enhancing Bid Preparation Using BIM Approach in Construction Projects

指導教授 : 林祐正


建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling)具有資訊傳遞的一致性、物件導向及參數式設計之優點,其主要概念為將建築物生命週期中所需的相關資訊建置於BIM模型中,可提供相關單位進行資料轉換與擷取,進而應用於工程專案之各階段中,應用階段不同,工作流程亦會不同。工程備標階段係為整體工程最初發展之起始點,也是工程專案得標關鍵重要因素之一,備標作業礙於成本及備標時間短暫且緊湊,營造廠及建設單位需於短時間內進行工程數量、成本評估、標前簡報等相關作業,流程複雜繁瑣,經常造成工程備標作業上之困難,若無縝密考量將會影響其執行成果。故本研究透過資料蒐集及專家訪談整理現行備標作業流程與資料需求後,藉由BIM方法提出工程備標階段實務應用模式,期望能改善備標作業進行時所遭遇之困難及問題,期望協助備標人員將繁複性的流程精簡化,產出標前簡報相關成果。透過本研究所建構之模式導入實際案例進行分析驗證,有效改善備標作業複雜流程,並利用BIM產出標前簡報所需之模擬分析等資料,有助於備標相關人員達到資訊交流與分享,整合為投標之需求資料,並可清楚地了解備標進行中之各項資訊與需求,藉以提高備標階段之效率及正確性。


建築資訊模型 BIM 備標作業


Construction bid preparation works for the initial starting point for the development of the overall project. Create and construction company expertise properties, engineering experience filter project by experience to construction bid preparation. Construction projects prepared by construction bid preparation time is quite short and compact, the number of actuarial calculation difficulties, resulting in construction projects prepared by construction bid preparation, there are many issues to be resolved. Recent years have witnessed an expending adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in construction industry and 3D visualization characteristics of object-oriented and parametric design related advantages. The one of main advantages regarding to BIM technology is to create the 2D shop drawing automatically from the 3D BIM models directly. In this study, this research using BIM model through data collection and expert interview with the prepare standard operating procedures and data requirements, construction bid preparation using BIM approach for contractors is enhanced by the 3D model, through BIM model results and analysis of the practical application assistance. Finally, benefits, limitations, encountered difficulties, conclusion and suggestion are summarized for further application in practice.


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