  • 學位論文


A Study on Waste to Energy Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Incineration

指導教授 : 章裕民


隨著國民經濟的發展和生活水準的提高,垃圾之妥善處理已成為環保的重要課題。迄今,處理垃圾的方法不外乎掩埋、焚化和回收再利用。目前政府將垃圾處理的重心放在焚化處理,以台灣而言,確實沒有太多的土地可供建置所謂的衛生掩埋場。而台灣的生活形態已經轉型,再加上垃圾的型態轉趨多樣化,使用堆肥化處理垃圾實屬有限。 垃圾焚化廠為了維持焚化爐的商業運轉及配合政府政策,須有足夠的垃圾量維持運轉及汽電共生廠的發電效能來維持營運。 這篇研究主要是針對民國92 年到民國101 年台灣大型焚化廠中24家廠商為主要樣本,找出各家焚化廠之發電無效率值。結果顯示,此十年間台灣焚化廠之發電無效率值隨著時間下降,表示發電效率有隨時間進步;而總平均無效率值約為22.8%,顯示在既有的投入情況下,台灣焚化廠仍有22.8%的提升空間;各廠發電無效率值的估計結果,以高雄縣仁武廠發電無效率值0.113 為最小值,屬相對效率最高者;而進行各體制間之比較後發現,公有公營體制除高雄市南區外,民營體制普遍較公營體制效率為高,又民營體制中,以地區而言,北部地區之效率是較優於中部及南部地區,以各廠而言,則高雄縣仁武廠、宜蘭縣利澤廠、台北縣新店廠及嘉義市廠為相對效率較高者。 環保政策的推行,造成區域垃圾不能滿足設計的焚化量,必須靠一般事業廢棄物來維持運轉,造成了垃圾熱值的不穩定及偏高的現象,增加操作的困難度,也對焚化爐造成嚴重的損耗,增加維護成本的支出。公有公營的焚化廠,運轉效 率低主要來自管理的不彰,應開放民間投資與營運,以民營的專業人才投入操作營運,以提升焚化廠之營運效率,避免財政問題。


As economic developments and advance of the living standard, waste management becomes an important topic for environmental protection. So far, garbage disposal methods are mainly landfill, incineration, and resource recycle. In Taiwan, incineration is the main direction for current waste management policy due to not large enough geography area for constructing more sanitary landfills. In the meantime, transformation of Taiwan life style diverse disposals; hence, landfill method in Taiwan is foreseen its limitations. In order to operate profitably as well as comply government policy, Municipal Waste Incinerations (MWI) require sufficient disposals and co-generation power plant to maintain profitable operations. The purpose of this research is to analyze 24 incinerators between 2003 to 2012 and identify average value of electricity-generated inefficiency. The result implies that electricity-generated inefficiency for Taiwan incinerators decrease average 22.8% through time-being, which means the improvements of electricity production during this decade. The study also determines 0.113 as the minimum inefficiency value presented by Kaohsiung County Renwu Incineration plant, that implies higher efficiency. Additionally, the study also found that northern private-owned plants operate more efficiently than public-owned plants. Besides to Kaohsiung County Renwu incineration plant, a public-owned plants, Yilan County Letzer refuse incineration plant, New Taipei City Hsintien refuse incineration plant, and Chiayi City refuse incineration plant are relatively identified as higher efficiency private-owned plants. To comply with environmental protection policy, waste incinerators now require more general wastes to fulfill capacity and achieve certain profits. However, general wastes cause unstable effects for incinerators and operational difficulties, which is foreseen to damage incinerators as well as increase the maintenance costs. Suggest public-owned incinerators to recruit management professionals to increase operational efficiency and prevent financial deficits.


