  • 學位論文


The Stability of Tower Cranes Working on High Floors

指導教授 : 黎文龍


塔式起重機在鋼骨大樓林立的今日是不可或缺的大型建築機具之一,其本身噸數、載重量都相當大,若本身破壞造成吊掛物掉落,所導致的傷害將是不可預期的嚴重。本研究主要探討塔式起重機的吊臂在不同操作仰角,配合上不同的吊重所產生的動態特性,及潛在危險。研究過程中,先將塔式起重機系統模型化成一離散系統,以Lagrange方程式推導出離散系統的運動方程式,再以MATLAB_SIMULINK模擬系統的動態響應。模擬結果顯示,當吊掛物重與吊臂質量比為定值時,吊臂的自然頻率,將隨著吊臂與鉛直線夾角之增加而有往低頻偏移的現象;另一方面,若當吊臂與鉛直線夾角為定值時,吊臂的自然頻率亦會隨著吊掛物重與吊臂質量比的增加,而有往低頻偏移的現象。另外,本研究亦將系統座標還原成一卡式座標系統,透過吊掛物的運動軌跡及頻率,可觀察各參數之間的關係。 在實驗驗證方面,本研究自行製作一塔式起重機模型,可調整不同的吊臂夾角,並且配合不同的吊重以調整出各種不同的質量比。實驗結果亦顯示,吊臂結構的自然頻率將會隨著吊臂夾角的增加而往低頻偏移,也會隨著質量比之增加有減小的趨勢,此趨勢的現象,與模擬的結果一致,也驗證了系統運動方程式與模擬的準確性。由於一般地震皆屬於低頻的震動,結構自然頻率往下偏移的結果,將導致其越接近地震的震動頻率,對結構所造成的風險也將越大。此外,實驗也證明吊掛物之運動行為與模擬結果相當一致,故本研究所建構之塔式起重機模型有其工業應用性。


Tower cranes are applied to a construction site widely. However, it may cause large damage if the crane is under improper design or operating condition due to its big tonnage and load. The main objective of the present study is to find the dynamic characteristics of a tower crane under various loadings and operating angles. The true tower crane system is modeled as a discrete one at the first step. Then, equations of motion for the crane system are derived by using the Lagrange’s method. MATLAB_SIMULINK is chosen as the tool for simulating the effects of the current crane system. The results of simulation clearly show that: (1) when the mass of loading is kept invariable, the smallest natural frequency of the system tends to move to the lower direction with the increasing of the operating angles; (2) when the operating angle is kept constant, it also has a trend that moves to the lower side as the loading increases. In addition, the loci in terms of the Cartesian coordinates reveal the complex behaviors depending on the parameters. Experiments are carried out after the completion of simulations. A scaled-down model is designed and manufactured to mimic real tower cranes. This model can be set with different operating angles. The results of experiment show that the smallest frequency of the system tends to move to the lower direction that is consistent with the results of simulations. Generally, the vibrations of earthquakes are at the range of low frequency, so it may be at risk when the natural frequency tends to move to lower side. In addition, it also verifies the correctness of the models that are used on both simulations and experiments.


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[1] 內政部消防署統計資料:http://www.nfa.gov.tw/index.aspx?pid=33。


