  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Mechanical and Electrical System Integration and Management for High-Tech Factory Construction

指導教授 : 高文秀


隨著高科技產業的蓬勃發展,高科技產品朝向小型化、多功能化的趨勢發展,電子元件功能日趨複雜且體積不斷縮小,精密度要求提高,使得機電系統工程品質的良窳直接影響到客戶所生產產品品質的優劣、產品生產良率、及客戶生產環境之操作風險,復以無塵室廠房造價及機器設備之取得價格皆不低,同時其施工過程中涵蓋各方面之技術,例如電子、機械、電機、空調、內裝、消防、環保、水處理、通訊、控制、以及數種特殊製程系統的高科技作業環境,由於整合技術繁雜精密,所需之技術人才涵蓋上述各個領域,在此產業發展趨勢下,傳統機電工程之技術已不足以應付目前市場之需求,因此如何有效地將機電系統整合及管理,已成為目前高科技廠房建廠重要之核心議題。 本研究即針對上述機電系統「造價貴」、「工期短」、「品質要求極高」、「高複雜度」與「高整合度」之特性,收集國內外相關文獻,以PMBOK專案管理知識為基礎,再整合各機電系統相關領域的技術,建構一套機電系統整合管理之架構,藉以提昇國內企業整體之競爭力,並達成客戶期望之績效。


With the rapid growth of the Hi-Tech sector as well as the introduction of reduced dimensions and more sophisticated capabilities of electronic components, many hi-tech products to be developed are inclined to possess compact, higher precision, and mechanical systems is so important that it will directly affect the quality and good rate of products, and the operating risk of production environment to the customers. Also, in addition to the extremely expensive cost of constructing a clean room and purchasing required equipments, many technologies such as electronic, electrical, mechanical, air-conditioning, decorating, fire-protecting, environmental-protecting, water-processing, communication, and control, as well as several specialized fabricating systems for hi-tech operating environment are involved in building the entire system. As a result, the conventional approach in integrating and managing hi-tech systems is no longer applicable to this demanding trend, thus leading to the necessity of developing a more effective and efficient way for the proceeding issue. Based on the PMBOK project management knowledge and considering the aforementioned technologies, this study presents a fundamental framework to meet the requirements of integrating and managing hi-tech systems, so as to fulfill customers’ expectation and, in turn, to promote business competition.


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