  • 學位論文


The Solution for Problem Encountered during Construction of Sewage Drainage System in Taipei County

指導教授 : 倪至寬


污水下水道建設為現代化國家改善環境污染、增加水資源利用及健全都市發展的重要公共設施之一,其中管渠系統工程為達成用戶接管普及率之關鍵。經由蒐集案例發現,規劃設計時,若未能充分了解工區之特性,如地質、地下管線及環境狀況等因素,施工後,則可能造成工程無法順利進行,甚至必須變更工法,或導致工期展延、經費增加等〝施工阻礙〞產生。因此本研究主要目的係透過實際案例之分析與研討,找出影響因素,進而提出解決方案供日後類似工程參考。 本研究以臺北縣為研究範圍,以4個已發包施工之實際案例為分析對象,依「工期」、「經費」、「工區位置」、「工法選用」、「合約制定」及「地下阻礙」等因素,選擇〝施工阻礙〞之情形,並針對各案例進行問題分析,主要分為「遭遇影響」、「遭遇成因」、「目前配套措施」及「現行配套措施之困難」等項目,經由所分析之項目探討,本研究發現解決方案主要可分為三大類,依序為:「工程合約修正方向」、「技術服務合約修正方向」及「公部門行政事務」等。此外,本研究以前揭4個案例〝施工阻礙〞遭遇情形提出解決方案之關聯性,並據以回饋至所蒐集案例施工阻礙情形之解決。本研究之成果將有利於日後類似工程於規劃設計或遭遇施工阻礙時之參考運用,並助於提昇工程品質及用戶接管普及率。


污水 管渠系統 施工阻礙


The construction of underground sewage is reckoned to be of one of the major important public facilities of modernized country to improve environmental pollution, increase utility of water resources, and render complete of urban development. Among these works, drainage system is the key to achieve the secularized rate of pipeline-connection. As found from the case study collected, if the features of construction site is not fully appreciated during planning and designing, such as geology, underground pipeline, and environmental conditions, when work is implemented it is likely that works cannot be carried out smoothly and successfully. Even more, it is likely that construction method has to be changed, leading to the occurrence of〝hindrance to works implementation〞as procrastination of works deadline and increase of expenditures. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to make use of analysis and discuss of the case study so as to find out the factors of impact, and so as to put forth resolutions for reference of subsequent similar works. This study has resorted to Taipei County as its scope of research, and made used of the 4 actual cases already contracted out as subjects of analysis, and various scenarios of〝hindrance to works implementation〞 are chosen based on factors as 「construction period」、「expenditure」、「location of construction site」、「stipulation of contract」 and 「underground hindrance」. Then, problem analysis is conducted in accordance to the context each of the case, and they can be found into items as 「impact encountered」、「factor encounter」、「currently coping measure」 and 「existing problem to the coping measure」. From the item analysis of items investigated, the study has discovered the measures of resolution can be classified into three categories which are respectively as 「modification approach of works contract」、「modification approach of technical service contract」 and 「administrative affairs of the public department」. Besides, this study should, based on the relevancy of the resolutions regarding the〝hindrance to works implementation〞in the previous 4 cases, render feedback to the resolutions of works hindrance as found in the collected cases. The results of this study should benefit the planning and design of subsequent works or work as reference for works hindrance encountered, and help to enhance the works quality as well as the secularized rate of pipeline-connection.


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李威宏(2014)。臺北市污水下水道用戶接管 開口契約內容及執行案例之研究〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201512002198
