  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwanese Traditional Wood-made Plane Cutter

指導教授 : 陳殿禮


本研究旨在針對台灣傳統木工鉋刀進行探討,分別針對鉋刀之歷史演進、形式功能與應用、加工品質與製造程序等面向,進行深入探討。研究樣本共有各式鉋刀59件,分別以內容分析法、田野調查法、深度訪談法及實驗法進行分析,可獲致下列結論: (1)台灣傳統鉋刀之歷史演進,從最早期木工匠的自製自用,發展至 鉋刀工具店從鹿港開枝散葉分布至全省各地並代理日本刀片品牌 之興盛榮景,到近代又逐漸沒落萎縮成為黃昏產業及製鉋技藝即 將失傳的處境。 (2)依其形式可將鉋刀分為平鉋、線鉋、溝鉋、邊鉋、圓鉋、翹鉋、 曲面鉋等七大類體系。 (3)探討台灣木作產品線條與鉋刀形式之關連性,常見的木作品有拼 接木板、門窗及家具之裝飾線條、溝槽縫隙、鳩尾榫接、軌道、 箍桶等早期與生活息息相關之木作產品應用,透過這些不同類型 之鉋刀,可藉此瞭解過去常民生活習慣及其文化特色。 (4)依本研究實驗結果得知,不同切削角度與軟硬木材切削表面粗糙 度之間,並無顯著差異。此外,藉助不同觀點,得知何種切削角 度之施力難易度、鉋花之生成狀態及逆理克服之參考依據,使操 作者或設計者於使用或設計鉋刀時能有更進一層的深度瞭解。 (5)藉由訪談記錄鉋刀與刀片之製作程序與尺度規格計算工法,讓台 灣傳統鉋刀製作技藝能有所傳承,以發揚其文化精神與常民智 慧,並可作為後續相關研究與研發改進之参考。


手工具 鉋刀 加工品質


This Study aims at investigating Taiwanese traditional wood-made plane cutter, including its evolution, functions and practical applications of various forms, manufacturing quality and fabricating process. The research samples include 59 pieces. Through content analysis, field survey, in-depth interview, and experimental method, this study gains results as follows: (1)The history of Taiwanese traditional wood-made plane cutter evolved from the original hand-made form for carpenters’ personal usage to the booming plane cutter shops spread around Taiwan from Lu-Kung, and then eventually developed as brand agent shops for Japanese brands. Till recent times, Taiwanese traditional wood- made plane cutter industry is on the downgrade and failing to be handed down from past generations. (2)The wood-made plane cutters can be classified as 7 categories according to the form, include smoothening plane, linear plane, trenching plane, rounding plane, tail-raising plane, and curviform plane. (3)By investigating into the correlation between the outline of daily-life applications of wood-made products and the relative form of plane cutters, such as composite wooden boards, decorative patterns of window and door, grooves, tenons, tracks, hooping barrels, the ancient people’s lifestyle and culture can be comprehended by observing those different forms of plane cutters. (4)The research result shows that there is no remarkable difference between different cutting angles and the various roughness of soft and hard wood. Furthermore, through different experiments, the observations of qualitative manufacturing factors such as optimal cutting angle for effort-saving cut, the conditions of wood-shavings, and the avoidance of torn grain can be found for users and designers to better understand the plane cutter. (5)This study notes down the standardization of scaling and manufacturing process of the plane cutter and its blade by interview with the attempt to making the traditional manufacturing skills inheritable and honoring the culture and wisdoms of ancient people.


hand tool, plane cutter processing quality


