  • 學位論文


The Influence of Outfit Pictures’ Types and Electronic Word-of-Mouth Volume on Consumers’ Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇 耿慶瑞


隨著數位時代的來臨,視覺影像正以多采多姿的方式呈現在人們的眼前。而圖片的運用,對於服飾這類以追求美感、表達自我的產品,在商品行銷與流行資訊分享的呈現上都扮演最重要的角色。現今社群媒體發達,服飾品牌、流行雜誌、部落客等都透過這些平台分享其服飾搭配的圖片資訊,並與社群互動,希望可以透過這些圖片的分享打動他們的消費者和追隨者,進而引起消費者購買其商品的慾望。因此本研究旨在了解不同服飾搭配圖片類型對消費者購買意願的影響力,以及社群中網路口碑數量對消費者購買意願的干擾效果。 經由文獻整理出組成服飾搭配圖片的三個符碼:產品、人物、場景。以二因子實驗情境的方式,拍攝由人物符碼 (模特兒身材尺寸:平均尺寸、修長尺寸)與場景符碼 (場景類型:意象型、隨興式、去背景化)組成的六種類型服飾搭配圖片,共發放454份有效問卷,以測量服飾搭配圖片類型對購買意願之影響。並於問卷中模擬社群之情境,在服飾搭配圖片下方加入不同的網路口碑數量,以測量其干擾效果。研究結果證實,不同符碼組成之服飾搭圖片類型對消費者購買意願之影響有顯著的差異,其中以修長尺寸模特兒搭配意象型場景之圖片類型最能夠引起消費者之購買意願;且由於消費者需求與特性之不同,消費者在接收到不同的網路口碑數量後,購買意願也呈現十分多元的變化。


For apparel that people wear to seek for the aesthetic feeling and to express themselves, picture plays an influential role in marketing and information sharing. Apparel brands, fashion magazines, and bloggers all try hard to influence their customers or followers through these pictures they post on social media. This research aims to investigate the influence of different types of outfit pictures on purchase intention and to further explore whether the electronic word-of-mouth volume moderates this effect. There are three codes which includes product, person, and setting in outfit pictures based on the arrangement of author and references. Using 2(person code) x 3(setting code) x 2(electronic word-of-mouth volume) scenario experimental design, this study collected data from 454 subjects. The results show that different types of outfit pictures produce divergent effects in purchase intention. And different characters of consumers may result in divergent changes of purchase intention after accepting electronic word-of-mouth volume.


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