  • 學位論文


The Impact on Consumers’ Mental Simulation and Purchasing Desire from the Product Photo’s Visual Constitution of Affordable Fashion Brand Website.

指導教授 : 黃儀婷


隨著社會經濟結構的M型化,在過去曾代表著貴族象徵的「時尚」,也隨著這波當代的趨勢潮流,衍伸出了「平價時尚」這樣的新型消費觀念。另一方面,科技快速的發展,網路以及手持行動裝置已經達到超高的普及率。伴隨著平價時尚的另一個特質-快速,在網路上迅速且便利的瀏覽選購服飾商品或資訊,已經成為現代人消費模式的常態。如何讓目標消費族群精準接收到品牌所欲傳遞的訊息,成了當前每個藉由網路媒體來經營電子商務的人的課題。「視覺」溝通是整個網路世界運作的方式,人們藉由瀏覽網頁而在網路上活動,因此建構好的網站以及提供好的視覺內容,是經營的第一步。 在服飾的網路購物形式裡,消費者無法直接碰觸到商品,因此必須以提供多樣化商品照片的方式,讓消費者在瀏覽時,能夠感受到商品照片所成呈現的氛圍,而對商品感到信任之餘並產生心理模擬以提升購買慾。 本研究根據國內外共七家平價時尚服飾品牌,分別為:ZARA、H&M、UNIQLO、lativ、OB嚴選、Queen Fashion Shop、PAZZO,進行碩士論文研究的案例分析;歸納出平價時尚服飾網站的商品照片構成要素組合以及於網頁上的編排形式,並依上述案例分析資料提出研究假設。正式實驗以繪製模擬網頁搭配問卷進行,實驗結果經由數據統計分析後得出以下結果:當網頁呈現「有模特兒穿著展示且顯示臉部,搭配意象型場景」的商品照片時較能引起受測者產生「對自我外觀特質好感度」、「他人對自我外觀好感度」、實際能「穿著場合」的想像以及「購買慾」以上四種心理模擬面向。其中較為特別的結果是「模特兒臉部隱藏,搭配意象型場景」形式的商品照片,能特別提升「購買慾」面向的心理模擬。加入受測者的網購使用頻率做為探討變項因素之一,則能發現在「穿著場合」以及「購買慾」兩個心理模擬面向,重度網購使用者較受「顯示臉部,搭配意象型場景」組合的商品照片影響,輕度使用者則較受「隱藏臉部,搭配意象型場景」組合的照片影響。本研究根據實驗結果,提出相關結論與建議,以提供相關學術領域與電子商務產業具體參考的指標。


As social economic structure changed into M-type. “Fashion” which in the past was represented a symbol of nobility "stylish", now on the contemporary trend, projecting a new consumer attitudes which called "affordable fashion." On the other hand, the rapid development of science and technology, Internet and mobile devices have ultra high penetration. Along with another quality of affordable fashion –fast, people use Internet quickly and conveniently to browse and to buy clothing or to search related information, and it has become the normal of modern consumption patterns. How to target consumer groups received the accurate brand message has become the current task to each run by Internet media e-commerce people. "Visual" communication is how the whole Internet world works, people browsing the web and activities on the Internet, so to construct good sites and provide good visual contents is the first step of business. During online clothing shopping, consumers can't directly touch the products, therefore company must provide diversification product photos, which allows consumers to feel the atmosphere which the product photographs presented. By the trust of product and the psychological simulation to enhance the buying. The study is based on domestic and abroad, total of seven affordable fashion apparel brands, which are: ZARA, H&M, UNIQLO, lativ, Orange Bear, Queen Fashion Shop, PAZZO, for case study. Summed affordable fashion apparel site product photos portfolio and the arranged elements on a Web page form. According to above case study data to present the hypotheses. At the formal experiment will draw a simulation web page within questionnaire. The experimental results obtained by the following results after statistical analysis: When a web page showing "Having models display and showing face, with imagery scene" this kind of product photos can cause subjects who have a "self-appearance qualities favorability", "others to the self-appearance qualities favorability", the actually "wearing occasions" imagination and" the desire to buy " these four mental simulations. One of the most special result is that showing "a model hidden her face, with imagery scene" can particularly enhance the "desire to buy" of the psychological simulation. Add the subject's frequency of using internet to do the online shopping, as one of the variables explore factors that can be found significant effect in the "wearing occasions" and "the desire to buy" these two mental simulation. The Heavy users of online shopping are more susceptible to "show face, with imagery scenario scene " type of product photos. The light users are more affected by" hidden face, with imagery scenario scene " type photo effect. In this study’s conclusions and recommendations according to the results presented. It’s to provide indicators to the relevant academic fields and e-commerce industrial development.


Sandra Moriarty, Nancy Mitchell, William Wells(2011). Advertising & IMC Principles and Practice. America.


吳佳穎(2016)。聯合品牌配適度與品牌評價對消費者購買意願之影響-以BALMAIN x H&M聯名系列為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2016.00411
