  • 學位論文


Preparedness of Water Supply Source for Fire Fighting Following Earthquakes

指導教授 : 張寬勇


劇震發生,地表搖晃劇烈,引發二次災害以火災最為嚴重,除造成地下管線破壞,同時於第一時間伴隨多起火災,消防單位苦無消防栓水源可用,並添加救災難度。 為強化我國消防水源整備作為,蒐集美、日兩國及臺灣921集集大地震救災案例文獻、水源法令等資料分析探討,設計問卷進行調查,以消防人員為受訪對象,並運用SPSS軟體統計分析,實施信效度、次數分配統計及交叉表分析。 研究結果顯示:1.天然水源與人工水源互相搭配,建立多元化水源。2.消防單位強化河川湖泊抽水措施,因應消防栓無水時使用。3.消防人員排斥長距離水帶佈署,但認同幫浦加水帶組供水訓練。4.事先規劃地震救災路線,震後調查避難者用電狀況。5.GPS數位化各種消防水源資料,快速找到取水位置。6.建置以「村、里」級為自主防災組織,興建蓄水池當初期滅火水源。期能提供消防單位平時建置多元化消防水源與強化訓練之參考。


消防水源 蓄水池


When an earthquake occurs,the ground shake violently. Fire is the most serious second disaster after earthquake. An earthquake not only damages many underground pipelines but also causes fires in the first time. Firemen are in the trouble that water sources are not available. It makes rescue more and more difficult. Thus, the study collected several cases about rescue and associate legislation with water source the United States, Japan and 921 Earthquake in Taiwan for arrangement of fire water supply and analyzes the information. The study designed questionnaire to survey fireman’s opinion. Those analyses are using SPSS, reliability and validity, frequency distribution and intersection analysis. The results showed that: 1. Natural and artificial water sources should match each other and build multiple water sources. 2. Fire department should strengthen pumping protocols in rivers and lakes to prevent that water in hydrant from unavailable. 3. Firemen dislike arranging long fire hose but recognize water supply training about pump together with fire hose. 4. Plan rescue line after earthquake and survey refugee’s electric power use. 5. Various fire water sources information should digitized in GPS and could find water sources position as soon as possible when fire fires. 6. Fire department should organize the village and li as autonomy rescue organization and build the reservoir as the initial water sources after fire fires. The study could provide fire department a reference in multiple water sources and training.


【4】日本內閣府,”1923年關東大震災-揺れと津波による被害,”広報 ぼうさい,N0.39,2007年5月,第20頁。
