  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Research on Transformation of Spatial Function of Community Centers: Case Study on Wanhua District in Taipei

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


近年來,台北地區已成為忙碌的都會生活型態,造成既有的公共建築部分面臨無人使用的情況,又因地區人口結構的改變,導致公共建築服務性質與地區使用者的需求產生不一致的現況,其中將有限的公共建築部份做空間做重新編制為本研究之主要課題,同時作為能延長建築生命週期的主要依據,再歸納出公共建築空間的概念與元素,藉此手法找出公共建築空間的新方向並作為後續發展的參考。 公共建築空間的機能轉型除了能使其建築生命週期作延長外,亦扮演了能促進社區發展的重要角色,為了符合公共建築的公益性與地區的活化,來維持並提升公共財產的價值,所以產生空間機能再造的計畫,其目的是要使既存公共建築空間可以被再次塑造的機會,而其具體檢討與分析空間轉型的可能性。 本研究以台北市萬華區為操作對象,針對區民活動中心探討原服務性能是否做適度的變更,以96年度萬華區區民活動中心使用率統計數值做相關案例分析,使用個案調查方式鎖定其中使用率較低之區民活動中心,確認案例後先了解相關區位關係,爾後進行問卷與現況的調查。 整理歸納出使用率較低之區民活動中心空間類別、使用機能與使用者滿意度。透過問卷的分析以各區民活動中心不同之需求做規劃與設計,再以原區民活動中心之使用建材與設計後所使用的建材做工程行為之比較,分析空間機能轉型所需之時間與金錢,最後試以建立出空間機能轉型檢核表,希望透過此表可以快速的了解區民活動中心若進行相關轉型動作時之適宜性與否。 為了使其公共建築空間能有更完善的空間機能,爾後再以空間體積、室內的構成以及設施的使用率做了解並分析,建立空間機能轉型的適用性檢核表,整理成果提供做為公共建築空間轉換可能性有用的手法之參考與討論。


Due to the fast growth of metropolis, enormous amounts of public buildings face aging problems in nowadays. More people gradually pay attention to the insufficiency of public utility. The change of geographic and demographic structure leads to the public constructions’ spatial function inconsistency with the local user's demand. Because of the inconsistency problem, some re-compartmented the space of limited public buildings to extend the constructions’ life cycle, and then summed up public constructions’ conceptions and elements. By doing that gives public construction new direction and can be used as further reference. Beside extend construction’s life cycle, the transformation of public construction function, also acts as a catalyst for community development. To cohere with the public utility welfare and to maintain the local activation in order to promote public property value, bring out the function restoration plan. Finally, the main goals are to save public construction space, restore the aging buildings, consider and analyze the possibility of space reforming. This research takes place in Wanhua district, Taipei, targeting at main public buildings space, and then to analyze the results of present situation observations, surveys, and data collections. The analysis will be able to classify public constructions’ space function and measure inhabitant’s satisfaction degree. In order to enable its public building space to have more perfect spatial function, the information of spatial volume, room constitution, and spatial use factors as well, will be obtained and analyzed in the future to draw the spatial function reforming possibility chart; the gathered sources and analysis would be the guides for future reference for public building space transformation techniques.


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