  • 學位論文


Development of Daylight Catching System for Illumination by Active Solar Tracking

指導教授 : 黃博全


隨著人們對永續發展的綠建築理念的瞭解與接受,越來越多的人開始關心居家和工作場所裡的能源使用效率。一種名為主動式追日採光照明系統,可藉由持久性增強室內照明強度與光線品質方式,達成可觀的降低使用照明電力,滿足上述節能減碳的需求,並且已有逐漸的廣被使用在室內照明中的趨勢。追蹤太陽光並將之導引至室內作為照明來源亦可滿足節能需求。所謂主動式追日採光照明系統,是將自然光的光能,一部份引到室內當照明;另一部份轉換為電能供系統之用,再自給自足不用額外供電,藉此達到零排碳的綠能科技產品。本研究目的旨要以實作方式開發一具主動式追日採光照明系統,並以實驗方式探討該系統追日性能與照明特性。該採光照明系統由晶片型微處理器依輸入之太陽路徑數據來推動追日系統,不受陰天天候影響。實驗結果顯示:(1)當晴天7時至17時加裝本系統的室內空間可以不用開其他人工照明時,室內照度可達400~700(Lux)(2)本系統可加裝於其他樓層而不侷限於頂樓,並以高效率反射鏡導引日光進入室內作為照明,得以減少白晝時室內照明的耗電量(3) 搭配主動式追日,可即時得到最佳的追日效果,本追日系統之機構誤差值最大為2度(4)本系統的效能可視為一27W的檯燈燈泡所提供之效能,台北市平均年日照(1999~2008)為1431小時,估計每年可節省約38度電。


With the increasing awareness of sustainable and green building, more and more people are concerned with the efficiency of energy use at home and at work. A solar tracking skylight illumination system, which enables us to conserve energy by producing increased interior light levels for a longer duration than normally possible, can fit to the above need and have widen been used in the indoor illumination gradually. Tracking sunlight and guide the light indoor as a source of illumination is also a way of energy saving. Daylight catching system, simply put, the light is sunlight, a part of interior when the illumination used; another part of the light is converted to electricity for use. In the self-sufficiency is no need for other power supply, to achieve zero CO2 emissions, a green energy product. Purpose of this study to implement is a way to develop a daylight catching system for illumination. An experimentally investigation is conducted to explore the dynamic illuminative performance of daylight catching system. The daylight catching system drives the sun tracking mechanism by the database of sun-path which is burned in microcontroller. The system will keep working without weather condition. The results show that (1) the triple reflected sunlight can provide sufficient 400~700 Lux to the room from AM 7:00 to PM17:00 without artificial light. (2) The system can be installed not only on the roof of the building, but also on other floors. Mirrors with high reflectivity are used to guide sunlight into the room. So the system can decrease the power consumption of indoor illumination in daytime. (3) With active tracking system, the mechanism can have the best accuracy immediately. The error angle of the mechanism can be less than 2∘. (4)The performance of the system can be seemed as a 27W lamp. The sunshine duration in Taipei (1999~2008) is 1431 hours per year. It means that the system can save 38 kWh per year.


Daylighting solar tracker microcontroller


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