  • 學位論文


Method of Test for Evaluating the Performance of Moisture Absorbing and Heat Generating Clothing

指導教授 : 趙豫州


近幾年來全球氣候異常,紡織產業為了因應人體需求及多變的氣溫,不斷研發創新各種不同的機能性商品,涼感(夏季)及保溫(冬季)是兩大穿著的基本需求,就保溫性能而言,吸濕發熱是相當具有代表性的素材之一。本研究收集市售吸濕發熱衣,依現行四種標準FTTS-FA-023,A法(機能性暨產業用紡織品認證與驗證評議委員會所制定的紡織品熱效應驗證規範)、GB/T 29866(中華人民共和國所制定的國家標準,紡織品吸濕發熱性能試驗方法)、ISO/DIS 16533(在濕度變化下紡織品的放熱與吸熱性能試驗)、以及ISO/WD 18782(動態的吸濕發熱性試驗)等進行測試,並比對其差異。同時,探討吸濕發熱值與織物物理、化學性質的關係,為制定適宜的吸濕發熱試驗國家標準提供參考。


Over the recent years, climate anomalies have become a global problem. To meet consumer demand and answer to the changing climate, the textile industry has been continuously developing various functional products. In this study, we gathered common commercial moisture absorption & heat generating clothing products. This study also provides preliminary introduction of Specified Requirements of Thermal Properties for Textile Fabrics FTTS-FA-023:2012 of Method A (established by the Committee for Conformity Assessment of Accreditation and Certification on Functional and Technical Textiles-Specified Requirements of Thermal Properties for Textile Fabrics- Part1: Test method for heat generation and retention properties in response to moisture changes), GB/T 29866 (Technical Textiles and the People’s Republic of China Standards, Standards-Textiles Test Method for Heat Generating by Moisture Absorption Properties), ISO/DIS 16533 (Measurement of exothermic and endothermic properties of textiles under humidity change) , ISO/WD 18782 (Textiles-Determination of dynamic hygroscopic heat generation). and comparison between each of them. Finally, explore the relationship of moisture absorption and heat generating property with the physical and chemical properties of fabrics, and then try. to set up or standard for test method of 「moisture absorbing and heat generating」 clothings.


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