  • 學位論文


The Synthesis of Dye for Concentration Supermolecular Liquid Crystal

指導教授 : 趙豫州


近年來,隨者科技的發展迅速,高科技導向已成政府的施政方針,強調產業研發創新與高附加價值產業,發展光電科技更是政府的既定政策。 平面顯示器產業目前已成為台灣繼半導體產業之後最重要的新興產業,也為政府國家發展重點計畫之範圍,與半導體產業名列為兩兆雙星計畫之一,期待將台灣建構為主要的影像顯示產品的研發及製造重鎮。液晶顯示器是利用偏極光作為光源,偏光膜的功能就是將背光板光源所發出的非偏極光轉為偏極光,因此偏光膜為液晶顯示器不可缺少的重要元件。 由於液晶分子為光學異方性材料,所以液晶顯示器在畫面上有視角狹窄的缺點。因此需要在上下玻璃基板與偏光板之間貼附補償膜,以達到廣視角功能。目前補償膜主要是在三醋酸纖維素薄膜的上方塗上一層液晶使其產生提升對比與廣視角效果,市售商品的選擇性少、價格高。為了使LCD-TV具有成本低、視角廣、高對比特性,新的反應型碟狀液晶之研發刻不容緩。 本研究為合成一新型染料使其具有較剛硬Disk主結構結構,並加上反應性官能基的-C型雙折射液晶作廣視角光學補償膜的液晶材料提升補償膜對雙折射率(Δn)特性。




In recent years, was rapid along with the technical development, the high technology guidance has become government's administration policy, stressed that the industrial research and development innovation and the high value added industry, the development electro-optic science and technology was the government decides the policy. Today, the flat panel display industry has become more important technology than semiconductor industry. It is also a key of development project for our country. Liquid Crystal Display has utilized polarized light to be a light source. The function of the polarized film has change from the non-polarized light source to polarized source by the display back light, and so the polarized film is a key component for liquid crystal display. However, few defects still have been existed in LCD image. For example, owing to the anisotropic optical properties of liquid crystal, the variations of visual angle may cause poor quality of LCD image. The purpose of this project is to develop new retarder to improve the LCD image by using a new discotic core of acenaphtho[1,2-b]quinoxaline increasing and its reactive derivatives as –C plate birefringence liquid crystal material to improve(Δn)value。


Compensation Film


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