  • 學位論文


Treachery as Revolt: Homoeroticism in Genet’s Fiction

指導教授 : 霍弘毅


本篇論文旨在探討讓.冉奈小說中的性別意象及其背叛之要素。冉奈是二十世紀法國文壇公認的傑出作家,其作品以呈現同志間的愛慾糾纏以及令人費解的背叛本質聞名,而這些充滿爭議性的特色也引起許多著名的知識分子間的討論,其中猶以存在主義哲學家 - 讓.保羅.沙特率先為冉奈冠上“聖徒”的稱號;然而法國作家喬治.巴岱耶指出沙特對於冉奈論述中之疏失,並進一步表示冉奈的著作實為其求惡的體現。此外,作家艾德蒙.懷特與學者里奧.柏薩尼亦分別由冉奈的生平經歷與其作品中同志情慾的角度對冉奈做深入的探討。承上列著名思想家對冉奈的研究,本文欲更進一步探討冉奈作品中複雜的性別與背叛之意象,以求釐清其作品與傳紀中反映出的身分特質與其背叛本性。 本文欲先藉分析冉奈小說中的主要角色來闡述其作品中性別意象之複雜性,再由包含沙特、巴岱耶、懷特與柏薩尼…等不同思想家之觀點論述冉奈背叛之本性,同時亦重新審視許多當代同志文學評論家指摘冉奈作品蓄意迎合異性戀社會之批評是否屬實。最後,本文將統合冉奈作品的三大基本要素:同性戀、偷竊、以及背叛,並藉此一窺冉奈本身之特質。


This paper will explore the essence of treachery as well as the gender images in Jean Genet’s fiction. Jean Genet was generally considered one of the most prominent writers in the twentieth century French canon, and his work was well known for its aestheticizing of homoeroticism and for the enigmatic nature of treachery. The controversial features of Genet’s work triggered intellectual discussions among several esteemed figures. While Jean-Paul Sartre proclaimed Genet a Saint, Georges Bataille regarded Genet’s work as the endeavor to pursue evil; in addition, Edmund White and Leo Bersani discuss Genet’s work more narrowly through the perspectives of his life experiences and homosexual eros. Inspired by the previous discussions under taken by the key thinkers mentioned above, this paper, by analyzing the complexity of gender and treachery in Genet’s work, attempts to delve into a proximate truth of Genet’s identity and treacherous nature. This paper will first delineate the complicated gender images in Genet’s work by analyzing the characters in his novels. Then the treacherous nature of Genet will be examined through the different perspectives of Sartre, Bataille, White, and Bersani as well as contemporary queer theorists’ attempts to confine his work to heterosexual normativity. Following that, the proximate truth of Genet’s identity will be examined through the integrated examination of three fundamental elements: homosexuality, thievery, and treachery.


Bollig, Ben. "One or Several Betrayals? or, When is Betrayal Treason? Genet, Arlt and the Argetine Liberal Project." Bulletin of Latin American Research 22.4 (2003): 401-419.
De Lacoste, Guillermine. "Sartre’s 'New Gaze' in Saint Genet: a Lacanian Reading." Sartre Studies International 10.1 (2004): 44-60.
Grindstaff, Davin Allen. Rhetorical Secrets: Mapping Gay Identity and Queer Resistance in Contemporary America. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2006.
Hanrahan, Mairéad. "Introduction: Genet and Theory." Paragraph 27.2 (2004): 1-6.
Read, Barbara. "Introduction." From Flowers and Revolution: A Collection of Writings on Jean Genet. Eds. Read, Barbara, and Ian Birchall. London: Middlesex University Press, 1997.
