  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Asynchronous Server Push Multiparty Conferencing System

指導教授 : 王振興 王永鐘


本論文實作非同步伺服器推送網路會議系統,應用於即時網路會議。本系統設計分為伺服端和用戶端兩個部份。伺服器端包含兩種伺服器,分別是Web伺服器和訊息傳送伺服器。Web伺服器用於管理使用者的連線狀態、共享的會議檔案和紀錄會議;訊息傳送伺服器則是負責使用者會議訊息的推送,當有新訊息的時候才向用戶端傳送訊息資料。伺服器推送模式可以提昇伺服端的負載能力和穩定性。 伺服器端的設計上,本論文使用MVC(Model-View-Controller)設計模式來實現。MVC模式可以將Web系統的資料和視圖分離,讓系統易於開發和擴充。 用戶端部份,本論文使用Ajax(Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)來實作,利用Ajax非同步請求的功能向伺服器端請求資料,跟傳統的Web系統比起來,Ajax模式有更即時得到伺服端回應、即時改變網頁內容和接近一般應用的操作方式等優點,這讓使用者擁有較友善使用者介面。本論文實作的網路會議系統,包含會議成員加入和離開、會議訊息傳送以及檔案上傳和下載,用戶端和伺服端大部分的互動都使用Ajax模式。這種即時性的互動,讓網路會議達到更好的文件共享和溝通效果。


We have implemented the asynchronous server push multiparty conferencing system. It divides into a server part and a client part. The server part comprises one Web server for user’s connection state, share conference file and record conference and one push server for push message to user. When push server has new message push it to client. Server push pattern can upgrade server’s loading ability and stability. We design the server using MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. MVC pattern can divide Web system’s data and view. That let system easy to develop and expand. We design client using Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) pattern. Ajax’s asynchronous request ability can get more real time response from server and change Web page immediately. These advantages let user have friendlier user interface. The conferencing system of this paper comprises user join and leave, message transmit, and file upload and download. Client and server’s interactive use Ajax pattern mostly. This kind of real time interactive let conferencing system have better effect of share file and communicate.


Web Asynchronous Request Conferencing System Web2.0 Ajax


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