  • 學位論文


Development of DAISY digital talking book player

指導教授 : 廖元甫


現今人大多是以視覺為基礎來呈現各式各樣的資訊,使得視障朋友比以前更容易失去其競爭力,以致於生活上遭遇更多的困難,因此本研究希望能透過國內自行開發生產,使其具有低價位與支援中文的功能,讓國內視障者能自由取用有聲書資源。 主要目標是希望製作出隨身軟硬體原型機。而本論文則是針對UI(User Interface)、TTS(Text-to-Speech)、MP3(MPEG1Layer3)、硬體等整合,尤其是UI部分包括如何從SD(Secure Digital)卡讀取電子書的格式以及版本,將其電子書內文儲存,以及各導覽按鈕的功能操作包括暫停、停止、上下章、切換模式、跳至某章節等。經由語音合成或者MP3來播放讀取出來的電子書內容輸出,透過這些製作整合完成了初步可播放語音合成的原型機。


人機介面 語音合成


The purpose of this paper is to implement a portable Mandarin Chinese DAISY digital talking book player for blind and visually impaired people. To this end, prototype design and specification based on human factor engineering are first studied. Then to meet the found requirement, Microchip 32-bit PIC micro control unit (MCU) platform is chosen and the corresponding printed circuit board (PCB) with secure digital (SD) memory card reader is developed. Moreover, an interrupt trigger-based UI (User Interface) DAISY book navigation program is written to integrate DAISY parser, TTS(Text-to-Speech) and MP3(MPEG1Layer3) modules. In the end, a prototype machine with necessary navigation functions (pause, stop, up, down, next, previous and chapter jumping, etc.) is successfully built for further field test.


User interface Text to Speech


[10] Po-Hsin Huang, Sheue-Ling Hwang, Jan Li Wang, Yuan-Fu Liao, "The Interface Development of Chinese DAISY Player Operation Procedure," is3c, pp.313-316, 2012 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, 2012.
[13] J. Han,"A GOMS-based granular computing model for humancomputer interaction design," IEEE International Conference on Digital Object Identifier, 2011, pp. 243 – 248, doi:10.1109/SOLI.2011.5986563.
[1] DAISY Consortium, http://www.DAISY.org/DAISY-standard/.
[2] DAISY International Technical Conference [23 - 25 September 2009], http:// www.DAISY2009.de/en/programme/international-technical-conference.html
[3] Humanware公司的Victor Reader Stream http://www.amazon.com/ MAGNIFYINGAIDS-Victor-Reader-Stream/dp/B001D3BONA
